_The Evening Post_, 20 Feb 1923:
When the new jury was being sworn in at the Supreme Court yesterday there was the usual batch of jurors desiring exemption. The grounds advanced wore varied to a degree.… “Very well,” said his Honour, Mr. Justice Chapman, “you are excused. I remember a dyer who came down here and left some ladies’ dresses too long in the dye, with most peculiar results.” …
#OnThisDay #OTD #NewZealand #PapersPast #Jurors #LawCourts
#onthisday #otd #newzealand #paperspast #jurors #lawcourts
Bravo! More of non-jargon in #legal #law #LegalTech a VERY good idea. During #Covid I thought of offering a course teaching #lawyers #barristers #solicitors how to be effective vis a vis cross exam etc. when on #zoom cam because most are not so hot at it...😂 but then cases via zoom don't happen so often now...another inadvertent case of #PlannedObsolescence! #LawCourts #4Courts
#legal #law #legaltech #covid #lawyers #barristers #solicitors #zoom #plannedobsolescence #lawcourts #4courts