Global News BC: ‘The best, best field trip’: Law Day returns to Penticton, B.C. courts #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MiddleSchoolstudents #PentictonCourthouse #HighSchoolStudents #Pentictonlawcourts #PentictonSheriffs #Pentictonstudents #SchoolDistrict67 #ÉcoleEntreLacs #pentictonrcmp #lawweek #Canada #LawDay
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #middleschoolstudents #pentictoncourthouse #highschoolstudents #pentictonlawcourts #pentictonsheriffs #pentictonstudents #schooldistrict67 #ecoleentrelacs #pentictonrcmp #lawweek #Canada #lawday
Proclamation #LawDay, 2023 When our Founding Fathers convened to write Constitution over 235 yrs ago, they set in motion experiment that changed the world. America would not be land of kings but Nation of laws. Since then, generations of Americans have worked to defend improve our laws, hold accountable those who break undermine them, ensure equal rights protections for all. On Law Day, we celebrate the rule of law rededicate ourselves to pursuit of more perfect Union.
Second, #Copaganda from the United Kingdom, a stamp commemorating the 150th anniversary of the London police in 1979:
#stampcollecting #lawday #copaganda
#StampCollecting for #LawDay will not be complete without a couple examples of #Copaganda
First, from the United States, 1968's "Law and Order" stamp:
#stampcollecting #lawday #copaganda
#StampCollecting for #LawDay
1994 - "Freedom of Speech" by Norman Rockwell. From a set of four postage stamps based on painting portraying the "Four Freedoms" from a speech by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
#StampCollecting for #LawDay
1987 - 200th anniversary of the signing of the US Constitution
#StampCollecting for #LawDay
1938 - 150th anniversary of states ratifying the US Constitution
#StampCollecting for #LawDay
1937 - United States 150th anniversary of the signing of the US Constitution, based on a painting by Junius Brutus Stearns
American Bar Association: "The 2023 Law Day theme will be 'Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.' We invite all the people of the United States to join us in rebuilding trust in our institutions, respect for one another, and our willingness to collaborate to address the challenges that face our nation."
#holidays #GlobalLoveDay, #InternationalLaborDay / #InternationalWorkersDay, #NationalSkinSelfExaminationDay, #NationalPurebredDogDay, #NationalChocolateParfaitDay, #KeepKidsAliveDrive25Day, #SilverStarServiceBannerDay, #TherapeuticMassageAwarenessDay, #SaveTheRhinoDay, #PhoneInSickDay, #WorthyWageDay, #SchoolPrincipalsDay, #NewHomeownersDay, #MotherGooseDay, #FrequentFlyerDay, #ExecutiveCoachingDay, #CSSRebootDay, #CoupleAppreciationDay, #LoyaltyDay, #LeiDay, #LawDay, #MayDay
#holidays #globalloveday #internationallaborday #internationalworkersday #nationalskinselfexaminationday #nationalpurebreddogday #nationalchocolateparfaitday #keepkidsalivedrive25day #silverstarservicebannerday #therapeuticmassageawarenessday #savetherhinoday #phoneinsickday #worthywageday #schoolprincipalsday #newhomeownersday #mothergooseday #frequentflyerday #executivecoachingday #cssrebootday #coupleappreciationday #loyaltyday #leiday #lawday #mayday
#holidays #GlobalLoveDay, #InternationalLaborDay / #InternationalWorkersDay, #NationalSkinSelfExaminationDay, #NationalPurebredDogDay, #NationalChocolateParfaitDay, #KeepKidsAliveDrive25Day, #SilverStarServiceBannerDay, #TherapeuticMassageAwarenessDay, #SaveTheRhinoDay, #PhoneInSickDay, #WorthyWageDay, #SchoolPrincipalsDay, #NewHomeownersDay, #MotherGooseDay, #FrequentFlyerDay, #ExecutiveCoachingDay, #CSSRebootDay, #CoupleAppreciationDay, #LoyaltyDay, #LeiDay, #LawDay, #MayDay
#holidays #globalloveday #internationallaborday #internationalworkersday #nationalskinselfexaminationday #nationalpurebreddogday #nationalchocolateparfaitday #keepkidsalivedrive25day #silverstarservicebannerday #therapeuticmassageawarenessday #savetherhinoday #phoneinsickday #worthywageday #schoolprincipalsday #newhomeownersday #mothergooseday #frequentflyerday #executivecoachingday #cssrebootday #coupleappreciationday #loyaltyday #leiday #lawday #mayday
On #LawDay this Monday, local lawyers will host a free legal services forum.