Here's more on using the Corpus Nummorum #SPARQL endpoint to construct RDF for Nomisma. More than 11,000 types and 28,000 specimens from CN from Thrace and nearby regions have been integrated into the Nomisma #LOD cloud.
While the named entity recognition was running in the background in OpenRefine for IRIS types, I worked on a CONSTRUCT #SPARQL query to extract 28,000 coins from Corpus Nummorum and load them into Nomisma's own SPARQL endpoint in order to illustrate the 11,000 types I uploaded last week. #lawdi
I loaded all of the type descriptions from IRIS ( into @OpenRefine and ran the @dbpedia named entity recognition plugin. The next goal is to separate proper names (people/deities) from general concepts so these can be reconciled against Nomisma URIs. Then these URIs can be integrated back into the IRIS type records. We can link to vessel shapes in also. Thanks to @vid_santos for the tip. #lawdi
More on the inclusion of Greek types from IRIS into the #LOD ecosystem, and its impact on improving research context through #datavis. #lawdi #LODLAM
Way back when the British Museum #SPARQL endpoint was killed, I worked from a RDF dump @mdlincoln put online to stand up a new endpoint with a simple GUI. It essentially works on any SPARQL query URL, so now I have a GUI on the Corpus Nummorum endpoint. #lawdi
Recapping the last two weeks in the Nomisma/European Coin Find Network and Hackathon Athens meetings at École Française d'Athènes, hosted by Thomas Faucher of CEAlex. Making archaeological coins #FAIR. #lawdi #lodlam
We're happy to announce the cookbook: documentation for the classes and properties in the Nomisma ontology with data modeling examples. The full cookbook isn't public yet, but the URL is live: #lodlam #lawdi
Stay tuned for a more detailed blog post from Liv Yarrow, Alice Sharpless, and Lucia Carbone, but the newest Roman Republican Die Project data have gone online. There are now 78,000 Republican coins in CRRO. #lawdi
RT @sebhth
.@Pompeiana79 and I have been working on the "Pompeii Artistic Landscape Project" website: Time for a soft launch. Browse images of Pompeiian wall-painting by subject (aka 'concept'). W/thx to @GettyFoundation. #PALP #digiclass #lawdi #lod #inprogress 🚧
#inprogress #lod #lawdi #digiclass #PALP