¡Ojalá no fuera cierto! La Administración de Justicia no tiene nada que ver con lo que comúnmente entendemos por el hecho mismo de administrar justicia. En realidad, y con contadas excepciones, se trata de un grupo armado de (y por) una Clase contra otra. #Lawfare #CasoNeurona
Paxton Impeachment Exposes Uniparty and Release of Mike Lindell Deposition Video Exposes Lawfare
#MikeLindell #mikelindelldeposition #Dominion #Uniparty #Lawfare #brannonhowselive #BrannonHowse #JoeHoft
#MikeLindell #mikelindelldeposition #dominion #uniparty #lawfare #BrannonHowseLive #BrannonHowse #JoeHoft
#Brazil🇧🇷 The Brazilian Supreme Court's recognition of President Lula's conviction as a historic mistake confirms our long-standing position at the International Human Rights Foundation. From the outset, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to President Lula's innocence. #Lawfare must not overshadow true #justice.
What's your experience with #lawfare? From what I've seen in Latin America this last decade there's a few tricks repeated in lawfare attacks against progressive governments and soft coups.
First is the buying of judges and prosecutors, this build up the cases against the leaders or candidates.
Then are repentance laws, where the first ones can turn criminals into fake informants to build up fake charges. Sometimes this, or other cases, will be used for "lawful" interception.
Closing with this charges and coordinated violent actions and discourse, and help from capitalist media and foreign powers (USA, Europe) calling for allowing violent demonstrators the stage is set.
The final stage is done by the judges or Congress when possible. Armed forces when not. A couple times, like Brazil with Temer or Ecuador with Lasso the enemy is the second in command after some shitty electoral alliance.
Il faut je pense lire sur le #lawfare que le mouvement corréiste a subi. Pourquoi #Correa est-il *réfugié politique* en Belgique ? Pourquoi d'autres ont-ils le même statut de *réfugié politique* au Mexique ? Parcequ'ils subissent des condamnations politiques et fantaisistes.
Cops shutting down an #independentNews outlet in the #USA?
Maybe we should #protest for the rights of all #journalists including #JulianAssange, still in prison for helping reveal #warCrimes and abuses of power?
A stark reminder that using anonymising systems like #I2P and #Tor is vital in delivering #news in today's age of #massSurveillance and #corporateTotalitarianism.
Also #AllCopsAreBad.
#independentNews #usa #protest #journalists #julianassange #warcrimes #i2p #tor #news #masssurveillance #CorporateTotalitarianism #AllCopsAreBad #kansas #lawfare #acab #police #violence #repression
La justice est instrumentalisée pour mettre hors-la-loi Correa, Jorge Glas et tous ceux restés fidèles à la ligne du mouvement en les faisant condamner pour corruption ou sédition.
Ces condamnations sont tellement ubuesques que Correa a obtenu le statut de réfugié politique en Belgique, et Gabriela Rivadeneira au Mexique. Correa peut à bon droit se vanter d'avoir plus de procès contre lui qu'Al Capone, El Chapo et Pinochet réunis. (8/10)
@BradCarlson yes, watched the interview, it went viral thankfully. IMO they know [Jack, Garland, Biden, Wray] and the rest of the cabal, that these are empty charges, but the idea is to take Trump’s time from campaigning, and to try to bleed him dry financially.
And yes, the charges are all ‘J6’ charges. This judge has put a lot of J6ers who are innocent non rioters in jail for long sentences. So I’m sure she will be making up laws as she goes, just as what Jack Smith is doing. But I’m also sure like like this woman above has stated, ‘Jack’s stupid mistakes’ will open the door for Trump as well to —EXPOSE EXPOSE EXPOSE.
Chatter on Science Fiction and International Relations on the #Lawfare podcast, have a great weekend everyone!
#apocalypse #got #battlestargalactica #startrek #StarWars #lawfare
Guatemala police raid office of Semilla presidential candidate
Guatemala is on edge as the attorney general’s office targets one of the two leading parties in the presidential race.
#coup #rightwing #guatemala #elections #lawfare #illegal
From Consortium News
Cathy Vogan from Consortium News and Emmy Butlin from the Julian Assange Defence Committee discuss the 'Perfected Grounds of Appeal' submission that was refused a hearing in the UK High Court.
#freeassange #assange #lawfare
Let's put our hands together for #AnnaBower of #Lawfare who gave us the first honest and real reporting form inside Trump's arraignment...and continues to provide valuable info and updates!
#annabower #lawfare #goodreporting
La bonne nouvelle qui ne seras reprise dans aucun médias de milliardaire :
Victoire : relaxe de Mélenchon dans son procès en diffamation contre les militaires factieux
'The Convention on the Rights of the Child’s Imprint on Judgments from the European Court of Human Rights: A Negligible Footprint?' by Trond Helland & Ragnhild Hollekim: https://doi.org/10.1080/18918131.2023.2204634
#echr #ecthr #CRC #legalmobilisation #lawfare #heuristic #childrensrights
#echr #ecthr #CRC #legalmobilisation #lawfare #heuristic #ChildrensRights
@benjaminwittes went through the indictment of Donald Trump with Lawfare Fulton County Court Correspondent Anna Bower & Lawfare ContribEd Matt Tait. It's a line-by-line, page-by-page analysis that might be a good resource for people trying to make sense of the indictment—where it's strong, where it raises issues, what issues it raises, & where things might go from here. #Lawfare
Episode webpage: https://shows.acast.com/lawfare/episodes/read-with-me-the-trump-indictment
Media file: https://sphinx.acast.com/p/open/s/60518a52f69aa815d2dba41c/e/648802efcd3d3b0011639063/media.mp3
Reach out to us if you've been injured by these jabs:
#RenzLaw #Justice #Disability #Lawfare #Integrity #vaccineinjuries #VaccineSideEffects #Vaccines
#RenzLaw #justice #disability #lawfare #integrity #vaccineinjuries #vaccinesideeffects #vaccines
Ralph Baric and EcoHealth Alliance took advanced #biotech and created a #bioweapon, then transferred it to a lab being run by a known enemy of the U.S.
Who in our our #DOD and intelligence community were aware of this and what were they doing?
#CCP #COVID #CovidOrigin #WuhanLab #CIA #Fauci @AGHuff @dougmastriano @VigilantFox @P_McCulloughMD @stkirsch #MedicalFreedom #Pennsylvania #SenateTestimony #TruthMatters #Lawfare
#biotech #bioweapon #DOD #ccp #COVID #CovidOrigin #wuhanlab #cia #fauci #medicalfreedom #pennsylvania #SenateTestimony #truthmatters #lawfare
Els tribunals investiguen a la mínima denuncia de segons qui.
Els mitjans assenyalen i sentencien.
Els partits donen suport públic però la presió mediàtica, interna i el cansament personal aparta a la gent valenta i atrevida.
#irenemontero #monicaoltra #pablorodriguez #lawfare
Exclusivo: Diálogos inéditos da Operação Spoofing revelam a promiscuidade de Curitiba
#ilegais #promiscuos #bolsonaristas #corruptos #Lavajatistas #lawfare