Laura #Kayali: "Helping France down the path of mass surveillance: a historically strong and centralized state; a powerful law enforcement community; political discourse increasingly focused on law and order; and the terrorist attacks of the 2010s."
⸺ @LaQuadrature @politico #Politico #surveillance #security #protection #dataPrivacy #privacy #Olympics #Paris #France #FRPol #lawful #dataCapture #dataRetention @ethics #biometrics
#kayali #politico #surveillance #security #protection #dataprivacy #privacy #olympics #paris #france #frpol #lawful #datacapture #dataretention #biometrics
Why Trump's prosecution for keeping secret documents is lawful, constitutional, precedented, nonpartisan and merited
#TrumpProsecution #SecretDocuments #Lawful #Constitutional #Precedented #Merited #Politics #News
#trumpprosecution #secretdocuments #lawful #constitutional #precedented #merited #politics #news
#Meta is having a very bad year. The latest decision (issued by the #CJEU yesterday in Meta Platforms Inc, et al., v. Bundeskartellamt, C-C252/21) adds to their woes, but more importantly, I anticipate it will force us all to re-evaluate #processing, #lawful bases, special category data, and #inferences derived from that data.
In my article, I explore the case in detail, as well as some hypotheses on the impact of this decision broadly to #BigTech, with examples.
But I'm curious to hear your thoughts and observations. Am I being a Cassandra? Overly pessimistic? Completely overthinking this? What implications am I missing?
I'll note here (even though I didn't mention it in the article) that this may also portend the effective death of the One Stop Shop mechanism, which is already on shaky ground after the whole spat between the #DPC and other regulators. Who needs Ireland if competition authorities can also raise issues under the GDPR?
#meta #cjeu #processing #lawful #inferences #bigtech #dpc
Others have said this, but I'll give it a shot.
"#Responsible encryption" doesn't exist.
"#Lawful access" doesn't exist.
#Encryption is #math. There is no math that can be done by "the good guys" but cannot be done by "the bad guys".
Anyone who tells you you can have #privacy while still allowing the #government or anyone else #LawfulAccess is #lying to you.
They are trying to get you to give up your #privacy. #Resist them. Demand end-to-end encryption.
#responsible #lawful #encryption #math #privacy #government #lawfulaccess #lying #resist #responsibleencryption #e2ee
#lawful : conformable to law
- French: licite
- German: gesetzlich
- Italian: lecito
- Portuguese: legal, legítimo
- Spanish: lícito
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
A multi-trillion #hedgeFund, #BlackRock, scours "#news" and uses #AI to invest in entities based on whether #theMedia is positive or negative.
We've all learned that #legacyMedia are extremely questionable in how and what information they present to start with. Combine that with the fact that it is not a human but a machine trying to interpret #news.
Real lives are at stake.
Should algorithm-based #investment even be considered '#lawful'?
#hedgefund #blackrock #news #ai #theMedia #legacymedia #investment #lawful #algorithmicinvesting #collateralmurder #silentwar
It's Almost #FlashbackFriday, which is basically the same thing as #ThrowbackThursday, just on a Friday, so why not reshare that alignment chart meme everyone and their grandma was doing back in the day?
#AlignmentCharts #Memes #MastoMemes #Lawful #Neutral #Chaotic #MyLifeAsATeenageRobot #KickButtowski #EarthwormJim #Futurama #ToeJamAndEarl #BattleToads #ABugsLife #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas #CatsDontDance
#flashbackfriday #throwbackthursday #alignmentcharts #memes #mastomemes #lawful #neutral #chaotic #mylifeasateenagerobot #kickbuttowski #earthwormjim #futurama #toejamandearl #battletoads #abugslife #thenightmarebeforechristmas #catsdontdance
#lawful : conformable to law
- French: licite
- German: gesetzlich
- Italian: lecito
- Portuguese: legal, legítimo
- Spanish: lícito
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
"a guide to potential liability pitfalls for people who are running a Mastodon instance, and how to mitigate them": #copyright #DMCA #COPPA #CSAM #protection #GDPR #DSA #DigitalServicesAct #privacy #CalOPPA #naughtyList #lawful #dataPrivacy #liability ❤️#learn #dataDon
(not legal advice)
#copyright #dmca #coppa #csam #protection #gdpr #dsa #digitalservicesact #privacy #caloppa #naughtylist #lawful #dataprivacy #liability #learn #datadon