James Bartlett :terminal: · @JamesDBartlett3
373 followers · 1150 posts · Server techhub.social

In a way, I kind of feel sorry for .

is a grifter who will say or do whatever he thinks will bring him more power. No principles whatsoever, apart from the pursuit of power for its own sake. He doesn't actually believe in anything at all, and for him, objective truth is merely an obstacle in his path, which he must overcome through the use of propaganda, extortion, violence, and corruption.

Meanwhile, is a true believer. He literally believes that God is calling him personally to lead the nation on a path of righteousness, like or . It's really sad, because he's a guy with an incredibly strong sense of morality and steadfast adherence to principles, but he's got them all wrong. He's like a who thinks he's been sent on a crusade by to rescue the world from evil, but the deity he thought was Pelor was actually just in disguise.

#mikepence #Trump #chaoticevil #pence #joanofarc #gideon #lawfulgood #paladin #pelor #nerull

Last updated 1 year ago

Lost Knights · @Aleksander1441
1 followers · 67 posts · Server nerdculture.de

It’s D&D night!
at 9pm CST on Twitch.tv/Draco_Magnius where I play a Dragonborn Paladin!

What kind of bullshit will we get into this week?

#live #dnd #collab #lawfulgood #butthepartysureisnt

Last updated 2 years ago

LaPenguin · @LaPenguin
64 followers · 312 posts · Server mstdn.social

Today I am going to organise photos! Some are already organised but I can't figure out how bloody iphotos works (or whatever it is called now), so multiple copies exist in whatever hell Apple designates the photospace. HOW did computers get this rubbish?

There are 1780 photos. At least ONE photo will be organised this day.

*lines up playlist of Anthems of Determination*

#lawfulgood #boxingday

Last updated 2 years ago

Cinnamini · @Marbleturtle
94 followers · 4246 posts · Server theres.life


Last updated 3 years ago