The point is this: if Trump wins his assault on our laws, no laws will matter, except insofar as they are weaponized against the poorest and most vulnerable members of society. We risk an anti moral regression into lawlessness.
This is way beyond culture wars;
this is abuse of all of US. #HybridWar #LawlessGOP #NoMoreLies đşđ¸
#hybridwar #lawlessgop #nomorelies
The One-Mile Rule: Texasâ Unwritten & Arbitrary Policy Protects Big Polluters from Citizen Complaints The DOJ & EPA must step up, mitigating the #ClimateCrisis needs to be prioritized: The policy has been denounced in lawsuits & petitions, but the TCEQ denies that it exists. Dozens of TX environmental groups have argued in petitions, now before the EPA, that TCEQ unlawfully restricts access to judicial review. #LawlessGOP #GOPDeathCult
#climatecrisis #lawlessgop #gopdeathcult
GOP SCJ's truly believe they're above the law, & possibly 'chosen by God': Justice Alito tells the WSJ that Congress has no business policing SCOTUS. "I know this is a conÂtroÂverÂsial view, but Iâm willÂing to say it... No proÂviÂsion in the ConÂstiÂtuÂtion gives them the auÂthorÂity to regÂuÂlate the Supreme CourtâpeÂriod." #LawlessGOP #CorruptGOP #CorruptSC #GOPSabotage
#lawlessgop #corruptgop #corruptsc #gopsabotage
The #GOPDeathCult has angered (& many are armed bc Rs advocated it) many citizens to distrust the govt. Paying taxes is the law, but many Republicans have convinced taxpayers that the IRS shouldn't ensure that all Americans pay their fair share or audit them. The IRS' new policy is evidence of the danger of theđŤculture bc many ppl feel they're above the law (as do Republicans). IRS halts most unannounced visits to taxpayers, citing safety concernsđ¨. #LawlessGOP #GOPLies
#gopdeathcult #lawlessgop #goplies
Gov Abbott is defying the DOJ over his illegal (& cruel) border enforcement policies: Texas governor to defy DOJ request to remove floating barriers. Abbott: âIâll See You In Court, Mr. Presidentâ. #LawlessGOP
When the CSPOA is too extreme for Texas: Bans CSPOA training: In a 5/25 memo by TCOLE: trainings taught by CSPOA in TX provide no âmeaningful authorityâ for the antigovt. grpâs âproposed legal theories.â Losing TX as a training ground is a blow to Mack & CSPOA. Mack has previously claimed that TX is where their support is growing the fastest. #LawlessGOP
Grifters: Mulvaney, like #TFG & most Rs, want to abolish the USG's power to reg. & tax. #LawlessGOP #GOPCorrution just days after Eastman endorsed the payday lender lawsuit to gut the CFPB -a Trump enabler joined the attack. Mulvaney -appointed by TFG to destroy the agency from the inside -authored a new amicus brief with his disgraced fmr subordinate Blankenstein urging the SC to strike down: CFPBâs funding structuređ¨ *MMul: top recipient of payday lending cash as a Rep.
#TFG #lawlessgop #gopcorrution
#DeathSantis' ANTI-IMMIGRATION plan will harm undoc. IMGs & cause a larger worker shortage. He'll use the MIL & LE to intimidate, deport & deny admittance to undoc. IMGs: Reinstate: âRemain in MXâ policy -End birthright citizenship -Deputize state & local govts to be able to enforce IMG lawđ¨-Use "executive action" to crack down on the asylum process... He promises to send Navy & CG resources to block fentanyl-rel. CH precursor chemicals from reaching MX ports. #LawlessGOP
"No assemblage of politicians except the Republicans would ever conceive of running for the American presidency by running against the Constitution and the rule of law. But thatâs exactly what theyâre planning.â
- J. Michael Luttig, in The New York Times.
Judge Luttig was appointed by George H.W. Bush and served on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit from 1991 to 2006.
#gop #voteblueagainstcriminals #lawlessgop #GOPCriminals
The 'REINS Act' bill won't become law, but -highlights the danger HSE Republicans pose: Seeks to increase congressional authority over the fed rulemaking process -usurp power from govt agencies in favor of elevating elected lawmakers. Although, little chance of being considered by the Sen. -would rep. a major shift in the fed rulemaking process & strip significant authority from the exec-it could undercut the influence of agency experts & outside advocates-. #LawlessGOP
Republicans threaten fall shutdown: HSE Appr. CHM Granger will move all the bills thru her CMTE at the lower, fiscal year 2022 level. âIt's the law of the land & not even before the ink is dried, they walked away from it -all but guarantees a shutdownâ -Rep DeLauro, top Dem mem. Rs argue a caps deal is a ceiling, not a floor. Some want to use the appropriations process to defund plans to build a new FBI bdlg & riders might be incl. in their bills: IMG/others. #LawlessGOP
Abbottâs tweet is the clearest example of the #LawlessGOP & the double standard the majority of Republican elected officials use to justify their viewpoint. #TFG weaponized the DOJ throughout his presidency. President Biden upholds the law. Governor Abbott was the Texas AG -he knows that #TFG is a traitor. The media must call out Republicans for their lies: âItâs an ugly day for democracy when a sitting US President running for re-election uses the DOJ to indict and arrest his leading opponent.â
Youngkin is a likely pres. cand. He's not a moderate: "These charges are unprecedented & itâs a sad day for our country, esp. in light of what clearly appears to be a 2-tiered justice system where some are selectively prosecuted, & others are not. Parents in VA know firsthand what itâs like to be targeted by pol motivated actions. Regardless of your party, this undermines faith in our judicial system at exactly the time when we should be working to restore that trust." Another #LawlessGOP member
#LawlessGOP Instead of commending the rule of law, integrity of the DOJ & INDEP SC... GOP pres. candidates tweeted -most called the indictment 'weaponization' & pol motivated by Biden: 10 or so other Rs in the race initially met news with silence, tepid criticism of the DOJ or even praise of Trump. Perry Johnson, a candidate who's claimed he was 1st to pledge he'd pardon Trump, trolled DeSantis -asked: âWould you pardon Trump, if you were elected Pres?â -RD didn't reply.
#LawlessGOP Dem leaders in the OR leg. have opted to impose $325 fines for each day GOP senators refuse to return to the Capitolâbut this has proven unsuccessful, too. Gov Kotek *D, who won a tough race while emphasizing her strong support for abortion rights -thus far deferred to legislators in both parties to work out their differences & shut down the idea of sending out state troopers again: OR Republicans Have Walked Out and Formed a Shadow Govt Over an Abortion Bill:
The tattered notion that Rs must have any respect for the FBIâs independence has disintegrated completely. Now every FBI DIR: eminently fireable. That the FBI DIR must be a loyal MAGA apparatchik -now every bit as much party dogma as âBorder weakâ or âTaxes bad.
Since TFG left office -R Partyâs ANTI-DEMOCRATIC TURN: ACCELERATED, but it's taken place quietly & deliberately -little media attention -benefit of planning +formation of a partywide consensusđ¨ #GOPMob #LawlessGOP
#LawlessGOP Rs use mob tactics to intimidate, threaten... The institution hasn't held since TFG's term, J6... The DOJ either hasn't kept up or complicit in certain circumstances: Prolonged attacks against him/family: basis for his decision to not pursue another 4-yr term -threats, doxing & online harassment, continue today, have at times prompted him & his family to flee their homeđ¨ +Experiencing PTSD triggered by his public fight agst election falsehoods -led by K Lake:
Unethical, likely illegal, actions from #DeathSantis. Officials from Gov DeSantisâ admin have been texting lobbyists with business before the state & asking for pol donations -breach of campaign finance norms that raises legal & ethical concerns. Whether the state employeesâ actions are illegal is unclear. At least one official confirmed that they & their colleagues were fundraising for his campaignđ¨ & denied that they had engaged in any wrongdoing. #GOPFraud #LawlessGOP
#DeathSantis #gopfraud #lawlessgop
The J6 case against defendant Daniel Wilson describes active chatter among militia members on SM... & some inspiration drawn from Oath Keepers leader Rhodes, who was just sentenced to 18 years today. #TheBigLie #RepublicanLies #GOPFraud #LawlessGOP LE seized 6 firearms from WILSONâs residence -cabinet in his residence: certain semiautomatic rifles were covered by clothing -at least 2 of the seized firearms were loadedđ¨ at the time of seizure another 2: no serial numbers:
#thebiglie #republicanlies #gopfraud #lawlessgop
#LawlessGOP #TheBigLie #RepublicanCorruption #GOPLies
#DeathSantis tells Clay Travis & Buck Sexton, on their show, that he'll consider pardoning the J6 defendants & Donald Trump if elected.
#lawlessgop #thebiglie #republicancorruption #goplies #DeathSantis