The last summer ed. for 2023
- going back to shorter, weekly newsletters next week. #lawfedi #lawlibrarians #legaltech
#lawfedi #lawlibrarians #legaltech
Lawyer Ex Machina #46 - Summer ed. - July 2023 is pretty chonky. I blame all of the AI lawsuits ... but there's also crypto and data privacy news & more! So much more. #law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians #AIcopyright #DataPrivacy #legaltech
#law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians #aicopyright #dataprivacy #legaltech
Lawyer Ex Machina #45 - Summer ed. - June 2023 is out - I could put a South Park joke here, but that's not exactly professional. Let's just say it's a supersized edition for the summer. #law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians #legaltech
#law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians #legaltech
Lawyer Ex Machina no. 44: Summer ed. - May 2023 is out, with stuff on #AI, #dataprivacy & more. #law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians
#lawlibrarians #lawfedi #law #dataprivacy #ai
Lawyer Ex Machina #41 is out, with a little about the psuedo-Drake/Weeknd track that went viral. #law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians #ai #dataprotection
#dataprotection #ai #lawlibrarians #lawfedi #law
Lawyer Ex Machina #40 is live, read about mind-reading police tech (thanks, @tashea) #law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians
The latest Lawyer Ex Machina is out, with far too many links to stories about chatbots and defamation. #law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians
Lawyer Ex Machina #38 is out. Lots of AI, but not all about LLMs/GPTs. #law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians
The subtitle ended up being more relevant that I thought it would ... Lawyer Ex Machina #37: pausing AI? #law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians #legaltech
#legaltech #lawlibrarians #lawfedi #law
I wrote 'Lawyer Ex Machina #35: Happy Stochastic Parrots Day'. I really wanted to ignore the various GPTs for just one week, but then ... you know. #law #lawfedi #lawlibrarians
Really any activity you do where all students pull what they've learned out of their memory without notes. If you might be interested, plesse let me know. #LegalEd #LawLibrarians #LegalWriting /2
#legaled #lawlibrarians #legalwriting
Hi legal ed friends, working on a new chapter & looking for a few folks who might be willing to share a retrieval technique they use in their (doctrinal & any skills) classrooms: low-stakes quizzing, summarizing points from last unit, etc. #LegalEd #LegalWriting #LawLibrarians /1
#legaled #legalwriting #lawlibrarians
Our #LawLibrarians and friends book club is reading Heretics: A Memoir by Jeanna Kadlec for our February meeting. We're meeting Sunday, Feb. 19th at 12:00pm EST (on Zoom). If you're interested in joining @maricheney @beckylawlib @kisjdmls & company, send any of us a message.
@psuPete – the free e-journal on law, technology and research for Librarians, Lawyers, Researchers, Academics, and Journalists. Established in 1996 - published monthly. Please see Pete's weekly column on cybersecurity here #cybercrime #cybersecurity #privacy #legalresearch #technology #AI #knowledgemanagement #KM #LLRX #lawlibrarians Join the mailing list
#cybercrime #cybersecurity #privacy #legalresearch #Technology #ai #knowledgeManagement #km #llrx #lawlibrarians
Alright, #LawLibrarians, final call for applications for the 2023 Teaching the Teachers Conference Beginners' Bootcamp. The application deadline is this coming Monday, January 16th, so make sure you get them in before it's too late!
#LawLibrarians or other #LawProfessors if you were designing a legal research class for first year law students what would you include or exclude? What would be your ideal way of teaching a first year legal research class? #LegalResearch #LawSchool #LawSchools #Law @lawlibrarians
#lawlibrarians #lawprofessors #legalresearch #lawschool #lawschools #law
#LawLibrarians, don't forget to get your applications in for the 2023 Teaching the Teachers Beginners' Bootcamp by next Monday, January 16th. We hope to see you there!
Is it unreasonable to expect work assignments consistent with job description and changes to policies/procedures will be shared with those effected? #AcademicLibrarians #lawlibrarians. My social security record goes back to age 14 and I’ve never experienced anything like this.
#AcademicLibrarians #lawlibrarians
Is it unreasonable to expect work assignments consistent with dob description and changes to policies/procedures will be shared with those effected? #AcademicLibrarians #lawlibrarians. My social security record goes back to age 14 and I’ve never experienced anything like this.
#AcademicLibrarians #lawlibrarians
I still have some concerns and questions, but definitely more guidance here on what research questions could look like (subject to change after they pilot these questions). #LawLibrarians