Going to try to post a pic a day. No particular order or theme.
Here we see a close cousin of the endangered Yard Flamingo! This was a cool decoration I got at a festival artist who bends eating utensils and spray paints them. This was really bright light and I did not have a defuser at the time. Used photoshop to try to correct for it. It is funny how people think bright day must be great for taking photos.
#photo #fakesafari #lawnflamingo #summer #photoshopedit #2023photochallenge
#photo #fakesafari #lawnflamingo #summer #photoshopedit #2023photochallenge
Remember when you were a kid, and had a new friend over, and showed them all your stuff? I collect things, so over a series of posts I'm gonna show you #MyStuff. Feel free to reciprocate! I figure it's a good way to get to know each other.
These are my #VintageHalloween #BlowMolds. Several are by Don Featherstone, the guy who designed the #LawnFlamingo.
#mystuff #vintagehalloween #blowmolds #lawnflamingo