I'm looking forward to the point in Autumn when I can stop mowing the grass.
#seasons #autumn #lawnmowing #lawncare
As the man said, "I have become death, destroyer of worlds."
#lawnmowing #bloomscrolling #bugstodon
Good morning to all of you around the #Fediverse today!
For the #MorningMoments today, let's find out what we all have planned to do and to accomplish for the day.
For me, it's the usual work stuff and then likely will mow all of the yards we need to mow today since the high is supposed to only be 84F instead of the 95F+ we've been experiencing.
#fediverse #morningmoments #goodmorning #happywednesday #landscaping #lawnmowing
Good morning and happy Tuesday to all of you amazing individuals around the #Fediverse
Let's do our #MorningMoments and find out what the day ahead has in store for each of us.
For me, it's work stuff, then a work meeting at 2pm - 3pm, and then not sure after that.
I might mow the 5 yards I need to mow here in a couple of hours before it gets too hot, but might do them tomorrow. Not quite sure yet.
#GoodMorning #HappyTuesday #LawnMowing #YardWork #Meetings #Meeting
#fediverse #morningmoments #goodmorning #happytuesday #lawnmowing #yardwork #meetings #meeting
Decades of growth – part 7. Plus sneak peak into the front yard 😁 https://www.allforgardening.com/498212/decades-of-growth-part-7-plus-sneak-peak-into-the-front-yard-%f0%9f%98%81/
#frontyardgarden #FrontYardLandscape #FrontYardLandscapes #frontyardlandscapingideas #frontyard? #garden #gardening #grass #grasscutting #lawn #Lawnmowing #longgrass #Makeover #Mowing #overgrown #satisfying #tallgrass
#frontyardgarden #frontyardlandscape #frontyardlandscapes #frontyardlandscapingideas #frontyard #garden #gardening #grass #grasscutting #lawn #lawnmowing #longgrass #makeover #mowing #overgrown #satisfying #tallgrass
Rite of spring. The first mowing of the lawn. Excuse me, while I now sit on the couch and potato for the next few hours.
The LED lights on this seem pointless. Who’s mowing in the dark? #gardenAus #gardening #lawn #lawnmowing #grass #lawn
#gardenaus #gardening #lawn #lawnmowing #grass
*reads instructions on replacement mower blades*
"We recommend replacing your blades every 12 months."
Oh. I wish I'd known that 9 years ago. 😳
I gave up on petrol mowers years ago. Even the mighty Victa was unreliable - never ran properly, smoked (4 stroke!), and did a poor job. We don't have much lawn, so I switched to a push mower. No motor and a rotating "cylinder" blade. It was always a good workout, and worked well, as long as you kept on top of it. Long grass was its nemesis. Dear reader, I never kept on top of it. Grass grows. 🤷♂️ Every mow was a battle, muscles vs long grass/weeds. Muscles usually lost.
Why subject myself to this? Because I'm tight? Nods.
Today I finally stared myself down and am now the owner of a battery powered (effectively solar) lawn mower! What a revelation! Plenty of charge for my small patch, no smoke, a much better job than petrol, and much faster and better physically than push. 10 mins, all done. What long grass?
#battery #lawnmowing #modern #ryobi #backyard #hurrah
The vibe of this place is so different the big topic today on #NZTwits is #lawnmowing like talk about complete opposite of the other place, and I'm kinda liking it it's just chill over here.
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#lawnmowing #capegirardeaumo #lawnmowingandtrimming #bestlawnmowingservicenearme #lawncareservices
When self propelled stop working.. better check that belt... thanks @ghostdriftx for help.. #lawnmowing #lawnmowers https://t.co/KycTO35Krx