Jevons Paradox -
TLDR= Adding highways as Tech 'solutions' only for them to fill up...
Answer= Focus on actions - not on measurements...
#Tech #congestion
#urbanplanning #traffic #cities
#JevonsParadox #transportation
computers like #cars
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2 related notes / posts
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Nov 22, 2022
Brent Toderian @BrentToderian
"Adding highway lanes to deal with traffic congestion is like loosening your belt to cure obesity." - Lewis Mumford in 1955.
We’ve known this for a long time, but we’ve put a massive amount of money, space, time & energy into pretending we don’t know it.
#InducedDemand #lawofcongestion #traffic #congestion #cities #JevonsParadox #transportation #mobility #urbanism #urbanplanning #cars
2. " Focus on actions - not on measurements... "
A Plea for Climate Justice - Report from the IAB Workshop on e-Impact
Vesna Manojlovic — 19 Dec 2022
This resulted in suggestions that were well received by workshop chairs and quoted in the follow-up sessions:
10% yearly decrease of energy & materials consumption for ICT;
Focus on actions - not on measurements;
Support for adding "Sustainability Considerations" section to each RFC!
what should be considered "the Internet": core? edge? whole ICT?
I also disagree with a focus of this paper* on "increasing energy efficiency" , because I believe that the focus should be on decreasing the consumption.
While I do find encouraging the existence of a group of technology vendors, service and content providers would be interested in "Greening of Streaming", I find their focus on increasing energy efficiency is misguided, because of "efficacy myth"♢ and Jevons paradox☆.
#traffic #cities #jevonsparadox #transportation #cars #induceddemand #lawofcongestion #mobility #urbanism #tech #congestion #urbanplanning
Shoutout to the SE Freeway/Car Sewer.
"Adding highway lanes to deal with traffic congestion is like loosening your belt to cure obesity." - Lewis Mumford in 1955.
We’ve known this for a long time, but we’ve put massive money, space, time & energy into pretending we don’t know it.
#InducedDemand #lawofcongestion
#lawofcongestion #induceddemand
“We found that there’s this perfect one-to-one relationship. If a city increased its road capacity by 10%, then the amount of driving in that city went up by 10%.” One of the earliest, and still one of the best articles on why building bigger roads just leads to more driving. Call it #InducedDemand, or #JevonsParadox, or the #LawOfCongestion. Via WIRED, it’s worth a read and share.
#cities #transportation #urbanism #city #cars
#cars #city #urbanism #transportation #cities #lawofcongestion #jevonsparadox #induceddemand
"Adding highway lanes to deal with traffic congestion is like loosening your belt to cure obesity." - Lewis Mumford in 1955.
We’ve known this for a long time, but we’ve put a massive amount of money, space, time & energy into pretending we don’t know it.
#InducedDemand #lawofcongestion #traffic #congestion #cities #JevonsParadox #transportation #mobility #urbanism #urbanplanning #cars
#cars #urbanplanning #urbanism #mobility #transportation #jevonsparadox #cities #congestion #traffic #lawofcongestion #induceddemand