Can a New #Law of #Physics Explain a #BlackHole #Paradox? - #QuantaMagazine
#Physics #Complexity #BlackHoles #Entropy #HolographicPrinciple #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Horizon #Horizons #Entanglement #LawsOfPhysics #LawOfPhysics #Laws #LawsOfNature #LawOfNature #BlockCipher
#blockcipher #lawofnature #lawsofnature #laws #lawofphysics #lawsofphysics #entanglement #horizons #horizon #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #HolographicPrinciple #entropy #blackholes #complexity #quantamagazine #paradox #blackhole #physics #law
There is a law of nature, isn't it: that the parcel delivery dude may only approach my door bell when I have given up waiting for him and now have both hands full with rye bread dough or, like just now, some mortar+pestle+mess pesto in progress.