Oh sure, MDOT property analyst. I will gladly compare legal descriptions in your correspondence, to a 144 page Judgment to attempt to determine information that you clearly have in your file but didn't send me. #bureaucrats #lawpractice #lawyering
#lawyering #lawpractice #bureaucrats
I've been tempted to try out #ChatGPT in my #lawpractice but I'm concerned it may contain a hidden vortex that will suck me in and make me part of the #Borg.
#AI #Law #lawfedi
#chatgpt #lawpractice #borg #ai #law #lawfedi
#legalwriting #lawprofs #lawtwitter, #appellatetwitter, I'm putting together a team. Who wants to work with me on exploring @OpenAI@twitter.com for #lawschool and #lawpractice writing? Statement of Facts for a case, a memo, briefing! #AppellateMastadon #AppellateTooter #appellatesocial
#legalwriting #lawprofs #lawtwitter #appellatetwitter #lawschool #lawpractice #appellatemastadon #appellatetooter #appellatesocial
Save the date! My lab (@SuffolkLITLab) is hosting a single-track single-day hybrid #LegalTech conference on April 3rd, 2023. The focus is Collaboration at Scale. Sign up for more info here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfO8GLq01JdjikzdgE3FMUK0VlFQeePlM56I0oGpKxlsgp0yg/viewform
Also, here’s a picture of the lab. FWIW, we’ll meet in a bigger room(s); I just wanted to set the tone—LEGO & whiteboards!!! #LawFedi #LawPractice #lawProfs
#legaltech #lawfedi #lawpractice #lawprofs