(26 Aug) - Law Professor Breaks Down Why Trump Is ’Disqualified’ From Becoming President Again https://www.huffpost.com/entry/laurence-tribe-trump-disqualified-constitution_n_64e98643e4b0d17252143692 #LawProfessor #TrumpDisqualified #Constitution #PresidentialElection #PoliticalAnalysis #LegalOpinion #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110957949454202212
#news #politics #legalopinion #politicalanalysis #presidentialelection #constitution #trumpdisqualified #lawprofessor
Law prof who teaches his law students how to hack:
Hackers exploit vices like greed & sloth. Yep on 2FA, update software.
“But many of the threats we face are rooted in the nature of human and group behavior. The solutions will need to be social too — job creation programs, software liability reform, cryptocurrency regulation and the like.”
I have put off jumping into this book because I was not sure I was ready for it.
I’m so glad I picked it up. This impeccably-researched series of stories about our America is necessary reading. There are as many glorious stories of resistance, big and small, as there are tragedies. Such important work, so well woven.
Law Peeps, we need to review and discuss.
#lawyers #CrimLaw #lawfedi #lawprofessor #lawprofs
If you tied my hands behind my back, I would probably lose the ability to speak.
So my #lawprofessor lesson from this term is that I need to cut down the topic breadth of my courses by 1/3. My students aren't catching the details or appreciating the deeper tensions. Live and learn
@JRDworkin The debirdify suggestion I see others have suggested is a good way to find people you already follow and are followed by on Twitter and connect with them here. I also recommend doing an #introductionpost (or to use the local jargon, a toot) using hashtags to describe your interests. Reblog (what Twitter calls retweet) other people’s toots. Use hashtags liberally, e.g.:
#lawprofessor #lawfedi #LearningCurve #introductionpost
As a #lawprofessor in the US, I find this very interesting. Tagging some folks @benjaminwittes @design_law @Teri_Kanefield #section230 #techlaw #LawFedi
#lawfedi #techlaw #section230 #lawprofessor
As a #lawprofessor in the US, I find this very interesting. Tagging some folks @benjaminwittes @design_law @Teri_Kanefield #section230 #techlaw #LawFedi
#lawfedi #techlaw #section230 #lawprofessor
New here so here’s an #Introduction I’m a #lawprofessor at UConn Law School, where I teach & write about American Indian Law, Property & Legal History. I have a kid, two cats (but am really a dog person), garden, hike & read speculative fiction #progressive #zoningreform #ICWA (And I like to make things, like the cookies in my header photo)
#ICWA #zoningreform #progressive #lawprofessor #Introduction
Hi everyone, I’ve learned that it’s helpful to write #introductons when you’re #newhere so here’s a quick one: I’m a law professor at Indiana University, where I teach contracts and various courses in IP. I hope this becomes a good place for us #legalacademics to connect! #lawprofessor #lawprofs #lawprof #LawFedi
#lawfedi #lawprof #lawprofs #lawprofessor #legalacademics #newhere #introductons
Hey, y'all. I'm getting started over here for #lawfedi #lawprofessor #legaled #highereducaton #highered #lawschool #humanrights #theology #news #politics #lawprofs and maybe more.
#lawprofs #Politics #News #theology #HumanRights #lawschool #highered #highereducaton #legaled #lawprofessor #lawfedi
Endlessly tickled that the two communities I’ve seemed to find here are basically law profs and TV writers. The #lawprofessor as early adopter I totally get but the TV writers jumping on is really making me giggle.