More gold from @ava over on the other website:
Law professors:
#itdepends #lawprofessors #legaleducation #Columbo
And how does the rushed time frame we give students to write notes/comments contribute to this phenomenon?
#lawprofessors #lawstudents #lawfedi
In updating my research on the rhetoric of "counterfeiting," I'm seeing a lot of what I saw while working on our design patent myths piece: A lot of attorneys and law students citing empirical "studies" or reports without (apparently) checking or even questioning details/validity of those studies.
What role do we have, in law schools, to teach and encourage students to question and critically evaluate these kinds of sources?
#lawprofessors #lawstudents #lawfedi
This rings so true. #FamilyLaw #lawprofessors #lawyers #jokes
#familylaw #lawprofessors #lawyers #jokes
#LawLibrarians or other #LawProfessors if you were designing a legal research class for first year law students what would you include or exclude? What would be your ideal way of teaching a first year legal research class? #LegalResearch #LawSchool #LawSchools #Law @lawlibrarians
#lawlibrarians #lawprofessors #legalresearch #lawschool #lawschools #law
Inspired by a conversation I had yesterday:
Law professors, if a casebook has all male authors, how many authors does it take before that fact gives you pause?
Like, at what point does a casebook become the equivalent of a manel?
Looking forward to NCLOS conference next week NCLOS Conference next week on law of the sea. 23-4 November. Details here #conference #lawprofessors #oceans #lawofthesea #unclos
#unclos #lawofthesea #oceans #lawprofessors #conference