De retour d’Écosse, ce #vendredilecture je continue d’avancer dans les ~900 pages du « Quatuor d’Alexandrie » de #LawrenceDurrell que j’avais acheté à Londres dans la librairie John Sandoe (Books) Ltd. il y a deux semaines. Durrell est un peu démodé avec ses histoires d’amour et son style fleuri, n’empêche que la libraire m’assurait qu’il en reste encore quelques amateur·rices, mais il est vrai que c’est trempé d’un esprit colonial peu probable de plaire à quiconque d’aujourd’hui. 1/4
#vendredilecture #lawrencedurrell
Los cuadernos de Vieco
La limitada experiencia de los artistas. Lawrence Durrell
Son personajes de ficción, creo. No son personas reales. Apenas hay elementos autobiográficos, la mayoría de detalles autobiográficos son lugares, escenas y ambientes. Creo que no se suele entender lo limitada que es la experiencia...
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Mis propios libros me producen unas náuseas terribles. Lawrence Durrell
Mis propios libros me producen unas náuseas terribles, puras náuseas físicas. Suena tonto, pero el hecho es que escribo a gran....
'But don't you think Rabelais is a little old for him?' asked Mother doubtfully.
'Good, clean fun,' said Larry airily; 'it's important that he gets sex in its right perspective now.'" [2/2]
Gerald Durrell, My Family and Other Animals, 1956.
#amreading #geralddurrell #lawrencedurrell #Rabelais
Los cuadernos de Vieco
La dificultad de escribir. Lawrence Durrell
P: Es usted como Darley en Balthazar, a quien escribir le parece tan difícil? Leemos, por ejemplo: «Escribo tan despacio, con tanta dificultad […] recluido en mi espíritu como todos los escri…
#creacion #escribir #lawrencedurrell
#LawrenceDurrell influenced young #SamuelRDelany a lot! You can see it most clearly in #TheEinsteinIntersection where he even quotes him if I remember correctly. I first read Delany as a teen, and then Durrell as a twen, and BOOM came the white light of realisation. 🖤
#lawrencedurrell #theeinsteinintersection #samuelrdelany
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Las mejores condiciones para escribir. Lawrence Durrell
P.: ¿Cuáles cree que son las mejores condiciones para escribir? R.: Nunca he tenido condiciones cómodas para escribir. Esta última vez que vine a Francia tenía cuatrocientas libras, además de monto…
Today's poem:
- by Lawrence Durrell
#poetry #LawrenceDurrell #acropolis #athens #history #time #evocation #immigrants #diaspora
#poetry #lawrencedurrell #acropolis #athens #history #time #evocation #immigrants #diaspora
#FirstLines What are your favorite first lines in a #novel ? " The sea is high again today, with a thrilling flush of wind. In the midst of winter you can feel the inventions of spring…. I return link by link along the iron chains of memory to the city which we inhabited so briefly together: the city which used us as its flora — precipitated in us conflicts which were hers and which we mistook for our own: beloved Alexandria! .. The Alexandria Quartet by #LawrenceDurrell
#FirstLines #novel #lawrencedurrell
Reading #TheBlackBook by #LawrenceDurrell. Interesting to ready early works by one of my favorite authors.
#theblackbook #lawrencedurrell
Had these for years & finally getting around to reading them. #TheAlexandriaQuartet is a beautiful, confusing, poetic & magical series of books, with some of the best writing in any form of literature. #LawrenceDurrell uses language like he invented it.
#thealexandriaquartet #lawrencedurrell