“What’s all this, then?”
John Cleese in Silverado
#silverado #JohnCleese #LawrenceKasdan #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#silverado #johncleese #lawrencekasdan #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
El 14 de enero de 1949 nace Lawrence Kasdan, guionista de The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens y Solo: A Star Wars Story.
On January 14, 1949, Lawrence Kasdan, screenwriter of The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, and Solo: A Star Wars Story, was born.
Everyone has a rationalization now.
"Don't knock rationalization; where would we be without it? I don't know anyone who could get through the day without two or three juicy rationalizations. They're more important than sex."
-- Lawrence Kasdan, The Big Chill
#movies #bigchill #lawrencekasdan #excuses
Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters Friday, but here's an early review for it. More like Yawn Solo, amirite? #SoloAStarWarsStory #moviereview #AldenEhrenreich #WoodyHarrelson #EmiliaClarke #DonaldGlover #ThandieNewton #PhoebeWalkerBridge #JoonasSuotamo #PaulBettany #RonHoward #JonathanKasdan #LawrenceKasdan #spacewestern #action #adventure #fantasy #StarWars #Movies #WaltDisneyStudiosMotionPictures
#soloastarwarsstory #moviereview #aldenehrenreich #woodyharrelson #emiliaclarke #donaldglover #thandienewton #phoebewalkerbridge #joonassuotamo #paulbettany #ronhoward #jonathankasdan #lawrencekasdan #spacewestern #action #adventure #fantasy #starwars #movies #waltdisneystudiosmotionpictures