I see what you did there. #GenshinImpact #lawrencelessig
#lawrencelessig #GenshinImpact
"'[Brazilian officials] estimate that we spend a billion dollars every year in [software] licensing fees... If we shift to Free Software, we won't be pirates anymore, and we won't be spending a billion dollars anymore.'
... they see this as a way of escaping an extraordinary tax on resources... The government official said, they spend... 470 million dollars on poverty programs in #Brazil. Now, which do they need to be spending money on more?"
#LawrenceLessig, 2005
"It's a slippery slope, from free wireless to Karl Marx, and one hopes... that when we've woken up to the danger of the Red Menace here, we'll begin to attack the other areas of municipal government that are... themselves deeply communist. Have you ever thought about the free photons that spread down upon you as you walk through the city streets, and worried about the poor lighting companies that are driven out of business..."
#LawrenceLessig, 2005
#lawrencelessig #privatization
// #LawrenceLessig : We the People, and the #Republic we must reclaim : https://www.ted.com/talks/lawrence_lessig_we_the_people_and_the_republic_we_must_reclaim?utm_source=rn-app-share&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tedspread
#tedtalks #ted #repost #republic #lawrencelessig
// #LawrenceLessig : We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim : https://www.ted.com/talks/lawrence_lessig_we_the_people_and_the_republic_we_must_reclaim?utm_source=rn-app-share&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tedspread
#tedtalks #ted #repost #lawrencelessig
Génial épisode du podcast Honest Offence, interview de Lawrence Lessig au sujet d'Aaron Swartz. Passionnant et brillant, avec une séquence très émouvante quand Lessig exprime sa colère triste suite au suicide de Swartz, lui en voulant presque de l'avoir abandonné dans leur œuvre commune. Poignant et élégant. Si vous comprenez l'anglais, foncez !
Spéciale dédicace à @ploum (même si je suppose que tu l'as déjà écouté depuis longtemps...)
Just found a book with author signature from 17 years ago.
I had a pleasure to go for a beer with #LawrenceLessig, author of "Free Culture" and Creator of #CreativeCommons
#foss but for #artists
#artists #foss #creativecommons #lawrencelessig
I just stumbled across a wonderful video series produced of my students again:
#LawrenceLessig inventor of #CreativeCommonsLicences asked what can be done to address the scarcity in access to information:
"The most important thing is that young people begin to rally together to tell their professors if they don't publish #openaccess: What the hell are you doing? Why don't you commit yourself to publish in a way that guarantees access for all?"
#lawrencelessig #creativecommonslicences #openaccess #openaccessactivists
@kkarhan a good book on the topic #Remix by #LawrenceLessig https://lessig.org/product/remix/
#CC #CreativeCommons
#music #art #literature
Celebrating 20 years of CC Licenses | Creative Commons founder
In 2021, we honored our founding anniversary. This year, we celebrate two decades of Creative Commons licenses by continuing our work, advancing Better Shari...
#cc #creativecommons #Music #art #Literature #lawrencelessig
An excellent talk by Lawrence Lessig
A Minoritarian Democracy
#LawrenceLessig #politics #democracy #plutocracy #gerrymandering #elections #voting #media #socialmedia #USA #China #HongKong
#socialmedia #lawrencelessig #politics #plutocracy #voting #elections #usa #democracy #media #china #hongkong #gerrymandering
Walled Culture: Lawrence Lessig: Internet Architecture, Remix Culture, Creative Commons, NFTs, Aaron Swartz and the Internet Archive https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ex6a33/E7_-_Final_Audio_1_6vpnt.mp3
#walledculture #lawrencelessig #copyright #aaronswartz #internetarchive #remixculture
#WalledCulture #lawrencelessig #copyright #aaronswartz #internetarchive #remixculture
Kolmogorov Twitter
Twitter is what happens when interactions, low-latency, amplification, and images (memes are pretty much precisely cartoons of complex ideas) are cheap, while nuance, deliberation, and complexity are expensive. It drives all the intelligence from the discussion, absent very deliberate effort.
It’s also all plaza and no warrens. ...
#Twitter #Nuance #KolmogorovComplexity #VlogBrothers #WarrensAndPlazas #CodeAndOtherLaws #LawrenceLessig #Alamogordo
#twitter #nuance #KolmogorovComplexity #VlogBrothers #WarrensAndPlazas #CodeAndOtherLaws #lawrencelessig #Alamogordo
Actualiza tu lectura en el mes de diciembre, descarga el libro «Software Libre para una Sociedad Libre»
Es una recopilación de diversos ensayos de Richard Stallman, fundador de la Free Software Fundation #FSF
El prólogo fue escrito por #LawrenceLessig creador de la iniciativa Creative Commons
Descarga el PDF en https://gnu.org
#lecturalibre #lawrencelessig #FSF
📬Kurt Kulac verschickt Wikipedia-Abmahnungen mit neuer Masche📬 https://tarnkappe.info/kurt-kulac-verschickt-wikipedia-abmahnungen-mit-neuer-masche/ #Wikipedia-Abmahnungen #hguRechtsanwälte #KatharinaSurhoff #CreativeCommons #LawrenceLessig #MarkusKompa #§97aUrhG #Artikel
#KatharinaSurhoff #lawrencelessig #markuskompa #artikel #wikipedia #hguRechtsanwälte
Les avocats manquent-ils le bateau des urbanités numériques?
#code #loi #lawrencelessig
#CoryDoctorow « #Tech has grown up over 40 years with a steady erosion of #AntiTrust. […] #Facebook grew primarily by buying its competitors […] same is true of #Google […] and they would have been absolutely prohibited from buying these other companies until #Reagan came into being. […] And [now] the #Internet consists of 5 giant websites filled with screenshots from the other 4 »
#LawrenceLessig « #Code and Other #Laws of #Cyberspace »
#corydoctorow #tech #antitrust #facebook #google #reagan #internet #lawrencelessig #code #laws #cyberspace
Entretien avec Larry Lessig sur le documentaire « Meeting Snowden »
#LarryLessig #LawrenceLessig #MeetingSnowden #Démocratie #Constitution #Island
#larrylessig #lawrencelessig #meetingsnowden #démocratie #constitution #island
@devnull lol Toujours à cause de Arte 😆
J'aurais dû aller directement sur Wikipédia…
Bon, jamais deux sans trois 😒