New SLSA Blog Post: Towards a Subversive Legal Education
Having previously argued why a historical approach to law is necessary, my new SLSA blog post explores how we can achieve this in Law Schools and how my new textbook can help.
Read the blog post at:
For more information on the textbook see:
#law #lawschools #lawcurriculum #legaleducation #legal #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #legalhistory
#legalhistory #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #legal #legaleducation #lawcurriculum #lawschools #law
Regarding the delayed U.S. News law school rankings:
Will anything they produce at this point be viewed as credible? Should it be?
Reminder: There are alternatives.
#law #lawfedi #legal #academia #lawschool #lawschools #lawprofs
#law #lawfedi #legal #academia #lawschool #lawschools #lawprofs
#law #lawstudents #lawstudent #legaleducation #introductiontolaw #studyinglaw #lawschool #lawschools #llb #sqe #history #historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawandhistory #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #administrativelaw #propertylaw #landlaw #contractlaw #contracts #tort #tortlaw #labourlaw #criminallaw
#criminallaw #labourlaw #tortlaw #Tort #contracts #contractlaw #landlaw #propertylaw #administrativelaw #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #historyoflaw #history #sqe #llb #lawschools #lawschool #studyinglaw #introductiontolaw #legaleducation #lawstudent #lawstudents #law
Sidestep, evade
Affirmative action
Yale, other schools accused
#usnews #rankings #lawschools #yale #cinquain #poetry
#usnews #rankings #lawschools #yale #cinquain #poetry
Great to see that the videos from the The Open University conference on ‘Legal History in the Curriculum’ are now online including my keynote on why legal history is subversive:
#conference #legaleducation #lawschools #lawstudents #legalhistory #subversivelegalhistory #legal #university
#university #legal #subversivelegalhistory #legalhistory #lawstudents #lawschools #legaleducation #conference
The final proofs for ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ have arrived.
This new textbook provides a historical introduction to law for students studying it for the first time:
#law #students #lawschools #llb #sqe #history #legalhistory #historyoflaw
#historyoflaw #legalhistory #history #sqe #llb #lawschools #students #law
Last night, Tulane became the 40th #lawschool to announce that it would no longer be providing information to US News. Interestingly, Its statement began with a positive take on much-maligned USN reputation-surveys:
"In its original form decades ago, U.S. News provided a simple and straightforward reputational ranking of law schools which provided useful information to prospective students who were unfamiliar with the legal community."
#lawschool #lawschools #rankings #lawfedi
With Gonzaga, Quinnipiac, Rutgers, And Seattle, 36 Law Schools Are Boycotting The U.S. News Rankings
Top-50 #LawSchools that ranked significantly higher in our new public-data driven rankings than in the last reputation-survey driven rankings published by US News:
Fordham +18
Temple +17
SMU +14
Davis +12
Boston College +10
Texas A&M +9
Villanova +6
"With Maryland, USF, And South Texas, 28 Schools Are Now Boycotting The U.S. News Law School Rankings"
Prof. Derek Muller's modeling of the next edition of the US News Law School Rankings ( is likely to garner considerable attention today.
Muller's post is a good reminder that (1) the most relevant & reliable data is already available, but (2) USN also plans to continue using highly unscientific repetitional surveys.
To the extent there are major differences b/n our rankings (below) & Muller's projected USN rankings, #2 is biggest reason.
#lawschools #lawprofs #lawfedi
With ‘Subversive Legal History’ now out in paperback (, why not revisit my essay for Canopy Forum that introduces some of the book’s main arguments?
Have a read at:
#legal #historian #law #lawstudent #lawstudents #legaleducation #lawschool #lawschools #legalhistory #lawandhistory #subversivelegalhistory
#subversivelegalhistory #lawandhistory #legalhistory #lawschools #lawschool #legaleducation #lawstudents #lawstudent #law #historian #legal
Fordham Law is the 24th school to announce that it will no longer provide U.S. News & World Report wth non-public information.
For example, here's an alternative to US News' rankings based on a combination of:
Employment in full-time, long-term, bar-required or JD advantage jobs (30% of overall score); LSAT at 25th percentile (15%); faculty citations (12.5%); GPA at 25th percentile (10%); ultimate bar-exam passage (7.5%); low 1L academic attrition (7.5%); citations to school’s law journal (7.5%); JDs awarded to students of color (5%); federal clerkships (5%).
#lawschools #lawstudents #lawprofs #lawfedi
#LawLibrarians or other #LawProfessors if you were designing a legal research class for first year law students what would you include or exclude? What would be your ideal way of teaching a first year legal research class? #LegalResearch #LawSchool #LawSchools #Law @lawlibrarians
#lawlibrarians #lawprofessors #legalresearch #lawschool #lawschools #law
"Winners And Losers In The Elimination Of At-Graduation Employment In The U.S. News Law School Rankings," by
Prof. Derek Muller, via Dean Paul Caron:
Note: This post is another reminder that all of the publicly available data USN says it will rely on in its next rankings is already available.
Why wait until March for USN to decide how to weigh that data? Folks can do it for themselves, as we've done here:
#lawschools #lawprofs #lawfedi
Symposium - Decarceration: The Role of Law School Clinics
Mar. 31, 2023
Hosted by University of Maryland Carey Law's Clinical Law Program & the Journal of Race, Religion, Gender, and Class
@academicchatter @lawlibrarians @law #PrisonReform #CriminalJustice #CriminalJusticeReform #Law #LawSchool #LawSchools #Symposium #ClinicalLaw #LawProfessor
#prisonreform #criminaljustice #criminaljusticereform #law #lawschool #lawschools #symposium #clinicallaw #LawProfessor
#law #education #legal #history #lawschool #lawschools #lawschoollife #students #lawstudents #legaleducation #legalhistory #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #subversivelegalhistory
#subversivelegalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #legaleducation #lawstudents #students #lawschoollife #lawschools #lawschool #history #legal #education #law
Earlier this week, there were a few posts about the big turnout at the #AALS2023 session on the future of law school rankings.
What did folks who attended think were the key takeaways?
If competition is key to reducing US News' influence, does anyone foresee another news outlet taking advantage of the fact that all the public data US News has said it will rely upon in its next edition is already available? As we've demonstrated, wouldn't be hard:
#aals2023 #aals #lawschools #lawprofs #legaled #lawfedi