New SLSA Blog Post: Towards a Subversive Legal Education
Having previously argued why a historical approach to law is necessary, my new SLSA blog post explores how we can achieve this in Law Schools and how my new textbook can help.
Read the blog post at:
For more information on the textbook see:
#law #lawschools #lawcurriculum #legaleducation #legal #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #legalhistory
#legalhistory #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #legal #legaleducation #lawcurriculum #lawschools #law
To find out more order my latest book, ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’. You can get 20% off if you order it directly from Cambridge University Press and use the discount code SANDBERG23:
#radio #radiointerview #law #bbc #bbcwales #bbcradio #bbcradiowales #legalhistory #wales #commonlaw #lawyers #lawstudents #lawstudent
#lawstudent #lawstudents #lawyers #commonlaw #Wales #legalhistory #bbcradiowales #bbcradio #bbcwales #bbc #law #radiointerview #radio
Learn everything about Indian Penal Code in English here at
#ipc #indianpenalcode #indianlawyers #indianlaw #india #criminal #advocate #lawstudent #upscaspirants #supremecourtofindia #highcourt #criminalcases #llb #barcouncilofindia #opensource #remotelearning #patashale
#ipc #IndianPenalCode #indianlawyers #indianlaw #india #criminal #advocate #lawstudent #upscaspirants #supremecourtofindia #highcourt #criminalcases #LLB #BarCouncilofIndia #opensource #remotelearning #patashale
‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ has now been published by Cambridge University Press:
You can get 20% off if you use the discount code SANDBERG23 before the end of the month - the clock is ticking!
#newbook #law #lawbook #lawstudents #lawstudent #lawschool #history #legalhistory
#legalhistory #history #lawschool #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawbook #law #newbook
If you teach any of the above, order your inspection copy today. If not, use SANDBERG23 to get a 20% discount.
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#historyoflaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #commonlaw #equityandtrusts #equity #trustslaw #trusts #landlaw #propertylaw #property #constitution #contract #tortlaw #Tort #constitutionallaw #contractlaw #criminallaw #introductiontolaw #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschool #law
I’ve taken the opportunity to express some words of thanks especially to those who taught me legal history. This includes those who have taught the Legal History module with me as well as all those Cardiff University law students and now graduates who have studied the module and who have been subjected to and given feedback on many of the chapters in this book! Thank you all!
#newbook #published #law #lawschool #lawstudents #lawstudent #legaleducation #legalhistory #lawandhistory #commonlaw
#commonlaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #legaleducation #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschool #law #published #newbook
‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ will be published soon by Cambridge University Press:
Get 20% off with the code SANDBERG23. If you have problems with the code please DM or email me a screenshot so I can ask CUP for advice.
#law #university #lawschool #lawstudent #introductiontolaw #legaleducation #legalhistory #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #criminallaw #contractlaw #tort #tortlaw #propertylaw #landlaw
#landlaw #propertylaw #tortlaw #Tort #contractlaw #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #legalhistory #legaleducation #introductiontolaw #lawstudent #lawschool #university #law
As we head into graduation season. I had the opportunity to review "How to be a Lawyer" - and it's excellent (as well as a fun read). It'll be on my short list of gifts to give college grads heading off to law school, law grads, or folks who just survived their 1L year.
#Law #LawFedi #LawSchool #Graduation #GraduationGift #LawStudent #CollegeGrad #GradGift #1L #SummerAssociate #LawSchoolFedi
#lawschoolfedi #summerassociate #1l #gradgift #collegegrad #lawstudent #graduationgift #graduation #lawschool #lawfedi #law
As we head into graduation season. I had the opportunity to review "How to be a Lawyer" - and it's excellent (as well as a fun read). It'll be on my short list of gifts to give college grads heading off to law school, law grads, or folks who just survived their 1L year.
#Law #LawFedi #LawSchool #Graduation #GraduationGift #LawStudent #CollegeGrad #GradGift #1L #SummerAssociate #LawSchoolFedi
#lawschoolfedi #summerassociate #1l #gradgift #collegegrad #lawstudent #graduationgift #graduation #lawschool #lawfedi #law
#law #university #lawstudent #lawstudents #legaleducation #commonlaw #history #legalhistory #historyoflaw #englishlaw #lawandhistory #constitution #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #criminallaw #criminal #contracts #contractlaw #tort #tortlaw #labourlaw #propertylaw #property #land #landlaw #equity #trusts #trustsandwills #trustsandestates #equityandtrusts #anglosaxon #norman #medieval #plantagenet #magnacarta #blackdeath #tudors #stuarts #themanoflaw
#themanoflaw #stuarts #tudors #blackdeath #magnacarta #plantagenet #medieval #norman #anglosaxon #equityandtrusts #trustsandestates #trustsandwills #trusts #equity #landlaw #land #property #propertylaw #labourlaw #tortlaw #Tort #contractlaw #contracts #criminal #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #constitution #lawandhistory #englishlaw #historyoflaw #legalhistory #history #commonlaw #legaleducation #lawstudents #lawstudent #university #law
#law #lawstudents #lawstudent #legaleducation #introductiontolaw #studyinglaw #lawschool #lawschools #llb #sqe #history #historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawandhistory #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #administrativelaw #propertylaw #landlaw #contractlaw #contracts #tort #tortlaw #labourlaw #criminallaw
#criminallaw #labourlaw #tortlaw #Tort #contracts #contractlaw #landlaw #propertylaw #administrativelaw #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #historyoflaw #history #sqe #llb #lawschools #lawschool #studyinglaw #introductiontolaw #legaleducation #lawstudent #lawstudents #law
New video introducing ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’, coming this May from Cambridge University Press:
Preorder now and get 20% off with the code SANDBERG23:
#Law #LegalHistory #LawStudent #LawStudents #video #StudyingLaw #legaleducation
#legaleducation #studyinglaw #video #lawstudents #lawstudent #legalhistory #law
New flyer for ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’, coming soon from Cambridge University Press.
Preorder now and get 20% off with the code SANDBERG23
#law #commonlaw #englishlaw #lawyer #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #book #newbook #preorder #textbook #legaleducation
#legaleducation #textbook #preorder #newbook #book #legalhistory #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawyer #englishlaw #commonlaw #law
‘There are some stories that need to be told anew to every generation’.
Here’s the front and back cover of ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law’ coming soon from Cambridge University Press:
Get 20% off if you preorder now from them and use the code SANDBERG23
#newbook #preorder #law #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschool #legalhistory #historyoflaw
#historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawschool #lawstudents #lawstudent #law #preorder #newbook
Lincoln also refers to the American Republic itself as an example to the rest of the world when he says that it is important to follow the law strictly "for the sake of example". A functioning democracy cannot exist without the application of the law because there can be no political accountability without the application of the law.
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#chiragshahadvocates #chiragshah #lawyersofinstagram #Justice #lawyerlife #lawstudent #lawschool #lawfirm #attorney #lawyers #legal #lawyer #law
Here’s the revised schedule for this Saturday’s student-run Moot Fundraiser if you are not mooting or judging. Join in from 11.30 to watch mooting, network and take part in fundraising activities - they will even be showing the Italy v Wales Six Nations rugby game! Donations are welcome at:
#mooting #moot #mootcourt #mootingcompetition #mootcourtcompetition #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawyers #networking #cardiff #fundraising #fundraiser
#fundraiser #fundraising #cardiff #networking #lawyers #lawstudents #lawstudent #mootcourtcompetition #mootingcompetition #MootCourt #moot #mooting
Thanks to Professor Chantal Stebbings from Exeter Law School or her kind words about ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’.
Get 20% off if you preorder the book from @CambridgeUP using the code SANDBERG23
#law #legaleducation #lawstudent #lawstudents #history #legalhistory #textbook #recommendation
#recommendation #textbook #legalhistory #history #lawstudents #lawstudent #legaleducation #law
Join us on Saturday 11th March at the Law Building in Cardiff for a student-run day of mooting, networking and fundraising. The event is free to attend but donations are welcome at:
Find out who is going in the stocks this year!
#law #lawstudent #lawstudents #cardiff #moot #mooting #networking #fundraising
#fundraising #networking #mooting #moot #cardiff #lawstudents #lawstudent #law
#law #university #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #legaleducation #legalhistory #feminism #criticalracetheory #anglosaxons #anglosaxon #norman #normans #plantagenet #plantagenets #magnacarta #blackdeath #tudor #tudors #stuarts #stuart #thecivilwar #constitution #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #criminallaw #tort #tortlaw #contract #contractlaw #propertylaw #landlaw #trusts #equity #labourlaw #commonlaw #courts
#courts #commonlaw #labourlaw #equity #trusts #landlaw #propertylaw #contractlaw #contract #tortlaw #Tort #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #constitution #thecivilwar #stuart #stuarts #tudors #tudor #blackdeath #magnacarta #plantagenets #plantagenet #normans #norman #anglosaxon #anglosaxons #criticalracetheory #feminism #legalhistory #legaleducation #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #university #law