Laxmidhar Behera, the director of the IIT Mandi, has stirred controversy after linking weather incidents in Himachal Pradesh to the consumption of meat.
#IITMandi #LaxmidharBehera #MeatConsumption #WeatherIncidents #Environment #HimachalPradesh
#iitmandi #laxmidharbehera #meatconsumption #weatherincidents #environment #himachalpradesh
‘Landslides, cloudbursts in Himachal because people eat meat': IIT Mandi director
Director of the IIT Mandi, Laxmidhar Behera was slammed for his speech on social media after it went viral.
#HimachalPradesh #mandi #IITMandi #IITs #LaxmidharBehera #vegetarianism #ExtremeWeatherEvents #ClimateChange #construction #india
#himachalpradesh #mandi #iitmandi #iits #laxmidharbehera #vegetarianism #ExtremeWeatherEvents #ClimateChange #construction #india
‘Landslides, cloudbursts in Himachal because people eat meat': IIT Mandi director
Director of the IIT Mandi, Laxmidhar Behera was slammed for his speech on social media after it went viral.
#HimachalPradesh #mandi #IITMandi #IITs #LaxmidharBehera #vegetarianism #ExtremeWeatherEvents #ClimateChange #construction #india
#himachalpradesh #mandi #iitmandi #iits #laxmidharbehera #vegetarianism #ExtremeWeatherEvents #ClimateChange #construction #india