Rebekah · @CookieCat
141 followers · 186 posts · Server

@PacificNic @jbond absolutely critical to acknowledge this. I'm fully vaxxed plus fully boosted per immunocompromised schedule.

I've been exposed 3x - every time was about 3 weeks post booster. Never developed symptoms and never tested positive on rapid or pcr and I do think the vaccine played a role - but it wasn't the sole reason I didn't get it. I also think luck, viral load of person infected and place it happened in played a large role as well.

Still mask indoors and outdoors when around others and don't see anyone unmasked expect for a small core group (5 people) who are also extremely covid cautious.


Last updated 1 year ago

Rebekah · @CookieCat
36 followers · 23 posts · Server

Like, as a fairly extroverted and community oriented person, I completely understand the desire to attend events and be around others.

But what's frustrating is we could have these events and make them safer with . People have successfully mobilized their communities to put on covid safe events - to provide testing and contact tracing and masks.

With precautions in place, events aren't totally out of the question. But so many people have just - not done that and instead dropped precautions.

I just don't understand.


Last updated 1 year ago

SweetCecily · @SweetCecily
5 followers · 34 posts · Server

In terms of far-UVC 222nm disinfection, I've only found this pendant that is actually purchasable. It's still meant for commercial use, but we could put it in our dining room. It's a wee bit spendy...

#222nm #CovidIsNotOver #layersofprotection #faruvc222nm

Last updated 2 years ago

SweetCecily · @SweetCecily
5 followers · 26 posts · Server

Currently researching 222nm lights - hopefully we can order and get some installed (residential) before the Christmas season!

#222nm #layersofprotection

Last updated 2 years ago