🛒 Shrinkflation : leur dernière arnaque ! 🤑
Payer des chips 15 centimes plus cher pour 15 grammes de moins ? Un exemple parmi tant d’autres quand on fait nos courses.
Notre présidente Mathilde Panot a déposé pour La France Insoumise une proposition de loi visant à interdire cette pratique.
#Franceinsoumise #inflation #chips #lays #LFI #lindt #chocolat #arnaques
#franceinsoumise #inflation #chips #lays #lfi #lindt #chocolat #arnaques
If you’ve never thought about #mango and #PotatoChips coming together before, then I think #Lays may have found a loophole. - Lay’s “Mango Chutney” - http://www.candycritic.org/lays%20mango%20chutney.htm
#mango #potatochips #lays #snack #review
I’ve had #barbecue chips before, but what exactly does #ExtraBarbecue mean?
#barbecue #extrabarbecue #lays #potatochips
Maybe I can eat this bag of #PotatoChips instead of dinner… maybe not. - #Lays Max Xtra Crunch “Double Cheeseburger” - http://www.candycritic.org/lays%20max%20xtra%20crunch%20double%20cheeseburger.htm
#potatochips #lays #review #snacks #chips
Edtech major BYJU's has laid off close to 1,000 employees across departments as part of its restructuring process, sources aware of the development said on Monday.
#BYJU #Lays #Report
Is this a fancy #Italian dinner or just a garlicky #PotatoChip? - #Lays Inspired by “Italy Carbonara Parmesan” - http://www.candycritic.org/lays%20inspired%20by%20italy%20carbonara%20parmesan.htm
#italian #potatochip #lays #chips #crisps #review #snack
I live in #Tampa, which is where the #Cuban sandwich was created.
The #Lays cuban sandwich chips have provoked huge fear in Tampa, but, as most people have, I'm happy to report they're pretty good! Pickle and mustard mainly, which means they're more German than Cuban chips. (The Cuban sandwich targeted Tampa's Cuban, Italian, and German cigar workers with its ingredients.)
My snack box from Lay's / snack.com arrived.
2 x Tangy Ketchup Doritos (delicious).
1 x Hot Mustard Doritos (looking forward to trying).
2 x BLT Sandwich (totally intriguing!).
#Lays #Doritos #BLTSandwich
My snack box from Lay's / snack.com arrived.
2 x Tangy Ketchup Doritos (delicious).
1 x Hot Mustard Doritos (looking forward to trying).
2 x BLT Sandwich (totally intriguing!).
#Lays #Doritos #BLTSandwich
#MandelaEffect or just Leading #Crisp #Brand Replacement?
#UK #British #Culture #History #Walkers #Lays #Blue #Green #Branding #Marketing #NotSayingChips #Pfft #Quora
#quora #pfft #notsayingchips #marketing #branding #green #blue #lays #walkers #History #Culture #british #UK #brand #crisp #mandelaeffect
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN | John 10:11-18 | 11 “#I_AM_THE_GOOD_SHEPHERD. The good shepherd #lays down his #life for the #sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a #hired_hand and #cares_nothing for the #sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the #Father_knows_me and #I_know #the_Father—and I lay #down my #life for the #sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father #loves_me is that #I_lay_down my life—only to take it up again. 18 #No_one #takes_it from me, but I lay it down of #my_own_accord. I have #authority to lay it down and #authority to take it up again. This #command I received from my #Father.”
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN - Heavy #Motivational Speech (feat. Rip Wheeler from Yellowstone) | Dewayne Noel from Dry Creek Wrangler School delivered our favorite speech of last year about #protecting_your_family. Much like Cole Hauser's character Rip Wheeler in Yellowstone, he talks about the most dangerous man often being the #quietest (DOG;) in the #room.
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN #I_AM_THE_GOOD_SHEPHERD #lays #life #SHEEP #hired_hand #cares_nothing #Father_knows_me #I_know #the_Father #down #loves_me #I_lay_down #no_one #takes_it #my_own_accord #Authority #command #father #Motivational #protecting_your_family #quietest #ROOM #INVITE
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN | John 10:11-18 | 11 “#I_AM_THE_GOOD_SHEPHERD. The good shepherd #lays down his #life for the #sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a #hired_hand and #cares_nothing for the #sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the #Father_knows_me and #I_know #the_Father—and I lay #down my #life for the #sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father #loves_me is that #I_lay_down my life—only to take it up again. 18 #No_one #takes_it from me, but I lay it down of #my_own_accord. I have #authority to lay it down and #authority to take it up again. This #command I received from my #Father.”
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN - Heavy #Motivational Speech (feat. Rip Wheeler from Yellowstone) | Dewayne Noel from Dry Creek Wrangler School delivered our favorite speech of last year about #protecting_your_family. Much like Cole Hauser's character Rip Wheeler in Yellowstone, he talks about the most dangerous man often being the #quietest (DOG;) in the #room.
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN #I_AM_THE_GOOD_SHEPHERD #lays #life #SHEEP #hired_hand #cares_nothing #Father_knows_me #I_know #the_Father #down #loves_me #I_lay_down #no_one #takes_it #my_own_accord #Authority #command #father #Motivational #protecting_your_family #quietest #ROOM #INVITE
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN | John 10:11-18 | 11 “#I_AM_THE_GOOD_SHEPHERD. The good shepherd #lays down his #life for the #sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a #hired_hand and #cares_nothing for the #sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the #Father_knows_me and #I_know #the_Father—and I lay #down my #life for the #sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father #loves_me is that #I_lay_down my life—only to take it up again. 18 #No_one #takes_it from me, but I lay it down of #my_own_accord. I have #authority to lay it down and #authority to take it up again. This #command I received from my #Father.”
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN - Heavy #Motivational Speech (feat. Rip Wheeler from Yellowstone) | Dewayne Noel from Dry Creek Wrangler School delivered our favorite speech of last year about #protecting_your_family. Much like Cole Hauser's character Rip Wheeler in Yellowstone, he talks about the most dangerous man often being the #quietest (DOG;) in the #room.
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN #I_AM_THE_GOOD_SHEPHERD #lays #life #SHEEP #hired_hand #cares_nothing #Father_knows_me #I_know #the_Father #down #loves_me #I_lay_down #no_one #takes_it #my_own_accord #Authority #command #father #Motivational #protecting_your_family #quietest #ROOM #INVITE
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN | John 10:11-18 | 11 “#I_AM_THE_GOOD_SHEPHERD. The good shepherd #lays down his #life for the #sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a #hired_hand and #cares_nothing for the #sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the #Father_knows_me and #I_know #the_Father—and I lay #down my #life for the #sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father #loves_me is that #I_lay_down my life—only to take it up again. 18 #No_one #takes_it from me, but I lay it down of #my_own_accord. I have #authority to lay it down and #authority to take it up again. This #command I received from my #Father.”
#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN - Heavy #Motivational Speech (feat. Rip Wheeler from Yellowstone) | Dewayne Noel from Dry Creek Wrangler School delivered our favorite speech of last year about #protecting_your_family. Much like Cole Hauser's character Rip Wheeler in Yellowstone, he talks about the most dangerous man often being the #quietest (DOG;) in the #room.
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#BE_A_DANGEROUS_MAN #I_AM_THE_GOOD_SHEPHERD #lays #life #SHEEP #hired_hand #cares_nothing #Father_knows_me #I_know #the_Father #down #loves_me #I_lay_down #no_one #takes_it #my_own_accord #Authority #command #father #Motivational #protecting_your_family #quietest #ROOM #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
My latest #CandyHaul is fairly eclectic.
#candyhaul #manner #lays #nutella #kinder
Wavy Lay's is a delicacy. Best with French onion dip which I don't have.
These chips remind me of trips to Cherry Grove beach, SC, with my parents when I was a child. We got to eat things while there that they rarely bought while at home. Cook outs with another family at the beach were numerous.
All us kids usually rode to the beach with the other family in their Rambler station wagon that sometimes broke down. Adventure travel.
The problem with these #yogurt and herb #PotatoChips is the complete lack of yogurt. - Lay’s “Yogurt & Herb” - http://www.candycritic.org/lays%20yogurt%20herb.htm
#yogurt #potatochips #snack #review #chips #lays
Are these the fanciest flavoured #Lays ever made? - Lay’s “Truffle” - http://www.candycritic.org/lays%20truffle.htm
Are all #SaltAndVinegarChips created equal?.. turns out possibly. - Lay’s “Salt & Vinegar” (from the #MiddleEast) - http://www.candycritic.org/lays%20salt%20and%20vinegar%20middle%20east.htm
#saltandvinegarchips #middleeast #lays #chips #review
As it turns out, it’s not just #Canadians who like to eat #KetchupPotatoChips. - Lay’s “Heinz Tomato Ketchup” - http://www.candycritic.org/Lays%20Heinz%20Ketchup.htm
#canadians #ketchuppotatochips #chips #lays #ketchup #review