Tonight's #podcast listening includes:
Doctor Who #Verity
@FTEpodcast (x4)
Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats (x3)
BBC Global News Podcast (x2)
TLDR Daily Briefing
#podcast #verity #lazydoctorwho
Tonight's #podcast listening includes:
BBC World News (x2)
NPR The Indicator
NPR Short Wave
@bhp member's feed
BBC Witness History
@FTEpodcast (x4)
Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats (x4)
@Tindogpodcast (x2)
Universe Today (x2)
Tonight's #podcast listening includes:
@FTEpodcast (x5)
TLDR News Daily Briefing
BBC Global News Podcast(x2)
NPR The Indicator
Tonight's #podcast listening includes:
BBC Global News Podcast (x2)
NPR Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
NPR Short Wave
Skeptic's Guide to the Universe
Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats
Science Friday
tonight's #podcast listening includes
BBC Global News
Science Friday
The Memory Cheats
2 minute timelord
Universe Today
It's been almost a year since @Legopolis and I did an ep of #LazyDoctorWho, but we're finally back! #DoctorWho
Tonight's #podcast listening includes:
Two minute time lord
Lots of doctor who with a bit of history on tap for tonight.
#podcast #universetoday #lazydoctorwho #realitybomb #veritypodcast #revolutionspodcast