Valerie Roney · @vlrny
1236 followers · 4004 posts · Server

I am happy to report, grocery store poppy seeds do in fact sprout.

...they are probably genetically modified and as likely to grow salmon as poppies, but hey! Life!


Last updated 1 year ago

punko · @punko
529 followers · 4259 posts · Server

Under an Oregon Grape, a perennial patch of Parsley has made itself a nice home.

#plants #garden #lazygardening #herbs

Last updated 2 years ago

punko · @punko
482 followers · 3431 posts · Server

@Hesperalis the most work I probably do is the soil rotation. Beds are dug (or emptied if established) and that (plants, roots and all) is put into the rabbit hutch (64 sq ft). After itโ€™s time to muck that out, it goes to the chicken coop (64 sq ft), there it gets stirred and rested and enriched again until itโ€™s just beautiful fluffy goodness, that is then moved in to a new garden bed and the cycle continues. Rinse and repeat.

#soil #garden #lazygardening

Last updated 2 years ago

Brugmansia flowering, never before this time of the year ๐Ÿง

#brugmansia #angeltrumpet #lazygardening

Last updated 2 years ago

Alan Pickering · @AlanDP61
81 followers · 65 posts · Server

How can so many leaves fall from one tree? Not sure I have the time or energy to sweep these up.

#gardening #lazygardening

Last updated 2 years ago

radicalxstitch · @radicalxstitch
151 followers · 196 posts · Server

Why I sometimes call .

Didn't pull out the spinach last year and it went to seed and now all the seedlings are coming up. I'll probably thin a few out for salad greens if I remember. Potatoes are self-sown from peelings out of the compost. Onions are a "weed" that I'm not pulling out because this friend is doing a great job growing all by itself.

So you see, it's not really lazy. It's working WITH nature. This garden is feeding my family tonight with $0 required except for the spices I'm going to add to make them more delicious.

Yes there is definitely privilege at play here! I have space to play with so I can leave patches of the garden to do their own thing for a bit. I have a rad husband who puts the effort in to make compost. We own our own land so we have security of tenure.

But we haven't invested money in this space, only time. Growing your own fresh greens can be cheap and easy.

Growing your whole family's food needs is impossible and quite frankly ridiculous. Don't fall for the articles online telling you it's possible to replace the greengrocer let alone the supermarket from your backyard. It's simply not.

#permaculture #lazygardening

Last updated 2 years ago