(Every News Agency On The Planet):
"The national weather agency has issued a heat warning. The public is advised to avoid outdoor activities..."
...(shows photo of children playing in water defying the advisory).
#ClimateCrisis #lazyjournalism #irresponsiblejournalism
Modern icons - latest: a hatchback-sized gilt frame and gold leaf now embellish the VW Golf. #LazyJournalism https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/apr/07/i-was-the-ultimate-in-cool-vw-golf-owners-remember-the-iconic-hatchback
Of course, all three articles are just #copaganda at this point because they’re just printing what the police department told them happened. No qualifying the statements with “According to police…” Just straight printing what the police PIO says as though it’s fact. 🙄 #LazyJournalism
Modern 'icons': #Bristol's Gloucester Road. #lazyjournalism https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/cost-of-living/gloucester-road-whats-happening-hospitality-8286197
@FuckElon CNN. Mostly talking heads and ''dream team panel experts'' today. Journalism reduced to the lowest common denominator. More interested in the celebrity propagandist response message of the story than the story. #lazyjournalism
@jayrosen_nyu They're far more interested in the steaks. #WHCA #MSM #lazyjournalism #powerelites #collusion #profitdrivenmedia
#msm #lazyjournalism #powerelites #collusion #profitdrivenmedia #whca
'A grandmother spotted what she believed could have been an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in .....'
What's the relevance of her status as a Grandmother??? I'd bet, that even if she turns out to be a Nuclear Physicist 'News' outlets would still give her an 'irrelevant to the story' status. It drives me nuts! (you can find the story easily ATM, I'm not giving the link!)
#NotRelevant #Woman #Status #Fediverse #Mastodon #LazyJournalism #News #UFO
#notrelevant #woman #status #fediverse #mastodon #lazyjournalism #news #UFO
Which of these movie Androids will replace you at work!? TAKE OUR QUIZ!!
"How Keating proposal left Barangaroo Indigenous centre ‘dead in the water’ “ https://www.smh.com.au/culture/art-and-design/how-keating-proposal-left-barangaroo-indigenous-centre-dead-in-the-water-20221212-p5c5hx.html
- It is sad to watch the demise of a once great newspaper - the article is a beat up and reads as if it was written by the responsible Government Minister and the Sydney Morning Herald politely published it. #lazyjournalism #SMH
"How Keating proposal left Barangaroo Indigenous centre ‘dead in the water’ “ https://www.smh.com.au/culture/art-and-design/how-keating-proposal-left-barangaroo-indigenous-centre-dead-in-the-water-20221212-p5c5hx.html
- It is sad to watch the demise of a once great newspaper - the article is a beat up and reads as if it was written by the responsible Government Minister and the Sydney Morning Herald politely published it. #lazyjournalism #SMH
Think Tanks: How Fake Experts Shape the News | by Tom Nicholas
#Propaganda #thinkTanks #fakeScience #fakeExperts #lazyJournalism #neoLiberalism #politics
#propaganda #thinktanks #fakescience #Fakeexperts #lazyjournalism #neoliberalism #politics
"Assumptions are made and most assumptions are wrong." - Albert Einstein
RT @goud4clerk@twitter.com
@SchottHappens@twitter.com In other words, it was me and you don't have an accurate quote. #lazyjournalism #correcttherecord #wordsmatter @laurengustus@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/goud4clerk/status/1602521131365257216
#lazyjournalism #correcttherecord #wordsmatter