Is anybody aware of an extension for the standard print panel on macOS, that lets me send PDFs straight to my Paperless NGX instance? #lazytoot
#Caldav and #CardDav ?
let me know what you use and how nice or un-nice it is.
#lazytoot #boost for visibility #selfhosting
#caldav #carddav #lazytoot #boost #SelfHosting
@rcz @timorl @chlopmarcin @kravietz
#lazytoot więc proszę, czuj się uprawnionym powiedzieć mi, żebym sobie sam wpierw poszukał
Czy masz może jakieś źródła śledzące, jak wielu ludzi rezygnuje z tranzycji na różnych etapach? (Nie wiem np. czy następuje to głownie przed blokerami pokwitania, czy może w przedziale między owymi a HRT jest szczególnie mało rezygnacji w porównaniu do przed i po.) Różne źródła, które podawałeś, lub o których rozmawialiśmy mówiły o reyzgnacjach na różnych etapach, ale żadne z tych co widziałem nie próbowało ich porównywać między etapami.
The standard erasure codes (polynomial ones) require that the field size (so alphabet size) is larger than the number of symbols in the codeword. Clearly we can have arbitrarily-close-to-ideal erasure codes even for smaller alphabet sizes (because noisy coding theorem). Are there some that can be easily described?
#LazyToot what is the current best of breed DNS Server software these days? When I ran my own small ISP I used djbdns, but I suspect that hasn’t changed since I last used it ~15 years ago and is likely missing support for some modern stuff (not that dns changes fast).
Winter climate folks: what’s the best way to get rid of 30 feet of inch thick ice on a steep driveway? #lazytoot
Deixei Instagram e estou querendo preencher o vazio com coisas de tecnologia. Tenho visto mais regularmente hacker news e tentado o Reddit, mas sem muito sucesso. O q vcs recomendam?! #lazytoot
Is there a way to find bookwyrm accounts for people who I follow, or who follow me? I'd love to expand my following list there, but struggling to find anyone! #lazytoot
Lately, gCal and Apple Cal's inability to play nicely together has become a PITA, esp. for event updates, always for invites originating at the gCal end.
Anyone know of tricks to improve this interoperability?
[NOTE: Legit answers only; this isn't the place to vent about gCal, Apple Cal, calendars in general, nor to make suggestions for different tooling]
I can't be arsed setting up on other instances, I haven't even been tuned by the mods on mine yet, so I'll probs wait till I get in trouble for something and get trimmed before I'll bother. Lol
#mastodon #behaviors #lazytoot #shitpost
Qual aquele site maroto que mostra todo mundo do Twitter que tem conta no mastodon e da pra seguir?! #lazytoot
So I got myself a DIY laptop and assembled it only to discover that I forgot to buy a USB-C drive to install an OS on it. 🤦♂️
While I'm waiting for the real drive to arrive, does anyone have any idea of how I could work it around?
The not too desirable option is to root my Pixel and make it behave like a USB drive. Is there something less dramatic that could work?
What test statistic is normally used in benchmark tools? Is it t-test? #lazytoot