Seeing promising results using semantic similarity to suggest new links in a note corpus. Anyone else tried this before? #lazytwitter
How much of the value of an apprenticeship is from watching and imitating the master, and how much of it is from getting their direct feedback? #strawpoll #lazytwitter
Would love if iOS dictation supported an end-of-dictation marker (eg. "done", "end of note") so that my spoken notes weren't always cut off by the aggressive end-pointer. #lazytwitter
Any nice little libraries for dealing with mixed markdown and [[Wiki Style]] local links and transclusions (eg. of an Obsidian corpus)? Easy enough to do, but surely it’s already been done hundreds of times? #lazytwitter
Ok so reading PDFs on kindle is massively painful. Typically default text size is way too small, scrolling resets the viewport scale, panning is annoying because of low refresh rates. How do y’all read PDFs on eink? Is the solution to buy a larger format reader? #lazytwitter
Anyone know where to find digitized early census data (people and their self-reported ages) in various fallen empires? Would love to try doing some age heaping analysis as a proxy for numeracy.
#weird and #lazytwitter
Can someone point me to a no-frills html/js based .glb viewer that I can run locally and that would allow me to create thumbnails with pyppeteer (which is the python wrapper for puppeteer)? #lazyTwitter
I realize that part of the point of Google Photos is to backup your photos, but I use the service so extensively that I feel like those photos need a backup too! Anyone have suggestions? #lazytwitter
I’ve been using to try to diagnose latency/jitter/packet loss. Much better than regular speed tests, but I’d love to run this like continuously just to monitor long term reliability. Any suggestions for a tool that does this? #lazytwitter
I’ve seen people use a single feedback loop (mostly positive) to try to explain complex phenomena. How about explaining using many interacting small and sometimes negative feedback loops? Has anyone done this before? Thanks #lazytwitter
I failed to find anything, so made my own. It's called Feedback welcome.
I'd like to see all upcoming concerts in Seattle, with a quick preview of what each band sounds like, a click away. There are so many awesome bands coming through, most of which are unknown to me. Does this exist already? #lazytwitter
Is there a website that helps schedule online-only events at a specific date/time? If you visit before the event, it reminds you closer to the time. If you visit during the event, it throws you into the experience, Like but for online synchronous. #lazytwitter
I'd like to see all upcoming concerts in Seattle, with a quick preview of what each band sounds like, a click away. There are so many awesome bands coming through, most of which are unknown to me. Does this exist already? #lazytwitter