Workers who attain union recognition face years-long struggles to win a contract, as their bosses walk away from negotiations or offer farcical "bargaining positions" in the expectation that they'll be rejected, prolonging the delay.
Democrats have been trying to fix this loophole since the #LBJ years, but they've been repeatedly blocked in the senate. But Abruzzo is a consummate photocopier kicker, and she's taking aim.
This one's for @handmade_ghost and all the LBJ/LBB out there looking for love.
#birds #BackyardBirding #birding
#BirdsOfMastodon #LBJ/LBB
House Sparrow
Please feel free to add your photos!
#birds #backyardbirding #birding #birdsofmastodon #lbj Lebron James 38pts – 2006 Playoffs Round 1 Game 4 – Cleveland Cavaliers @ Washignton Wizards #2006 #Cavaliers #Cavs #CentralDivision #Cleveland #ClevelandCavaliers #EasternConference #james #LBJ #lebron #NBA #PLAYOFFS #Washington #wiz #Wizards
#cavaliers #cavs #centraldivision #cleveland #clevelandcavaliers #easternconference #james #lbj #lebron #nba #playoffs #washington #wiz #wizards
To paraphrase the old #LBJ quote, if #Biden pushed the price of gasoline down to 50 cents a gallon, the headlines would read, "President hates oil workers."
#Bidenomics #Economy #Biden #lbj
Scientists told President #LBJ about #ClimateChange in 1965
Too bad it didn't change anything.
by Katie Herzog
"People of a certain age and political persuasion may have fond memories of marching to protest the Vietnam War. 'Hey, hey, LBJ. How many kids did you kill today?' the hippies and radicals of the era chanted in Washington.
"His escalation of the conflict in Vietnam has been widely considered Lyndon Baines Johnson’s biggest misstep as president. Until now.
"It turns out that in 1965, a group of #climate scientists gave President Johnson a report on the dangers of increasing levels of #CarbonDioxide in the atmosphere due to burning #FossilFuels . That’s right: An American president knew about climate change five decades ago.
"These climate scientists warned President Johnson in 1965 not just of the dangers associated with human-caused global warming, but also that we might eventually have to consider geoengineering the climate to offset that warming and the risks that we’re causing by inadvertently running a dangerous experiment with the Earth’s climate.
"The climate scientists of 1965 were eerily prescient. 'Through his worldwide #industrial civilization,' the report read, 'Man is unwittingly conducting a vast geophysical experiment. Within a few generations he is burning the fossil fuels that slowly accumulated in the earth over the past 500 million years … The climatic changes that may be produced by the increased CO2 content could be deleterious from the point of view of human beings. The possibilities of deliberately bringing about countervailing climatic changes therefore need to be thoroughly explored.'
"Although LBJ actually released the report for publication, and mentioned the threat of increasing carbon dioxide in a message to Congress, his administration’s focus was on solving more immediate and visible types of #pollution — like unsightly #trash along America’s highways. The dangers of burning fossil fuels were not explored, as we well know, which leads us to now — with levels of carbon in the atmosphere reaching dangerously close to the point of no return, and seemingly our only hope in the hands of the same political leaders who have failed to do anything about the catastrophe that awaits us."
#lbj #ClimateChange #climate #carbondioxide #fossilfuels #industrial #pollution #trash #ClimateCrisis #climatecatastrophe #extremeweather
Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Biden to FDR, LBJ. Thanks for the free campaign ad!
#MarjorieTaylorGreene #BidenSpeech #Medicare #Medicaid #FDR #LBJ #Politics #News
#marjorietaylorgreene #BidenSpeech #medicare #medicaid #fdr #lbj #politics #news
▶️ I saw nary a mention here today of the fact that #LBJ signed the 1964 #CivilRightsAct into law on July 2, 1964.
📷 Hulton Archive/Getty Images
>>#OnThisDay 1967, #LBJ nominated 1st Black American, Thurgood Marshall, to the Supreme Court. He won 29 of 32 cases before high court, the 1st when justices overturned convictions of 4 Black men in Florida who “confessed” after they were beaten. << RT @JerryMarshall
@Cassandra @AnarchoNinaWrites #LBJ put it well:
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." – Lyndon B. Johnson .. The wisdom of #LBJ. All he says applies to today.. .. MIC DROP. #LBJ’s last interview; he would be dead 10 days later.
As much as I hate to agree with #NikkiHaley, this is absolutely legit. #KamalaHarris as president is a serious risk in re-electing Joe #Biden. She should put her country first, and step aside. Few would—she won't.
#LBJ and #HarryTruman were both strategic running mates, never meant to take office, but who did. (sh)It happens. We could easily have had President #Agnew.
Wonder how Ol' Joe will work this out.
#nikkihaley #kamalaharris #biden #lbj #harrytruman #agnew
50 years ago #OTD the Florida Legislature voted 88:1 to make "Cape Kennedy" #CapeCanaveral again: and The Senate had done so already in April: President #LBJ had announced "Cape #Kennedy" in a television speech a few days after JFK's assassination: or from 7:30, but the name - - had fallen out of favor. The Kennedy Space Center could retain it, though.
#kennedy #lbj #capecanaveral #otd
Two ways of getting up close and personal.
Exhibit A: Drew Barrymore
Exhibit B: LBJ
#drewbarrymore #lbj #close #personalspace
Via The Amyverse @AskingAmy
Dec 12, 2022
Michael Beschloss @BeschlossDC
Dec 12, 2022
LBJ’s restored private bathroom on his Texas ranch:
🎧 Listening to #CarlCarlton's "Everlasting Love" that was a big #RandB / #Disco hit when I was in HS, 1974. Was prepping a toot, searching for the best quality and ran across the *original by #London band #LoveAffair. They had a #1 hit in #Britain in 1968.
The sound isn't the best, but it's worth a watch/listen. Note the #JimiHendrix and #LBJ posters on the wall. Very 1968!
#disco #lbj #jimihendrix #britain #LoveAffair #London #randb #carlcarlton
"Books and ideas are the most effective weapons against intolerance and ignorance." - #LBJ
@Spicewalla Remarkable!
A cartoon like this, back in '64, shows clearly that #LBJ wasn' t the only one able to see the #WhiteSupremacists were hopping onto the #Republican elephant.
It boggles my mind when people actually attempt to argue with a straight face that the #PartySwitch didn't happened.
#lbj #whitesupremacists #republican #partyswitch