#about last night. @Jenny took me out to the clubs for a `Heart to Heart’ session. Listening to brilliant singer-songwriter had not been so much fun for a long time.
On stage: opening by Avery Anna, followed by Jackson Dean, Kelvin Jones, Ingo Pohlmann and Breland. Mostly impresses me special guest: Brooke Eden singing and talking about her relationship that she had been told to hide to keep her career. #LBTIQ good to know she did not and now going her own way. #changesinmusic
📺 Paragraph 175 (2000)
Between 1933 and 1945, 100.000 men were arrested under Paragraph 175 (§). Some were imprisoned, others were sent to concentration camps. Only about 4,000 survived. In 2000, fewer than ten of these men were known to be living. Five come forward in the documentary to tell their stories for the first time. #germany #gay #movies #lbtiq + #documentary
#germany #gay #movies #lbtiq #documentary
Wollt Ihr unsere Arbeit unterstützen? Dann werdet doch in 2023 gerne Mitglied oder Mitfrau*! #neujahrsvorsatz #lesbischeSichtbarkeit #40plus1
#lbtiq #feminismrocks #lwiththeT
#abstammngsrecht #aktionsplan #fördermittel #gleichstellung #gemeinsam
#neujahrsvorsatz #lesbischesichtbarkeit #40plus1 #lbtiq #feminismrocks #lwiththet #abstammngsrecht #aktionsplan #fordermittel #gleichstellung #gemeinsam