On my way home from #ldconf. Had a great time, spoke in two debates and heard a great speech from Ed Davey
#ldconf #libdems #leadersspeech
Well done to the Lib Dem membership yesterday at #ldconf who told the transphobes they could stick their proposals straight into the bin. Now, if only the party's leadership would follow their membership and be bold about what they believe in
Very pleased to see that the terf motion at #LDconf didn’t even get debated. The procedural motion to ‘ignore this and move to next business’ passed by a more than two thirds majority.
Great to hear Ed Davey make such a strong statement supporting #TransRights
Got to speak at #ldconf this morning in the debate on the UK's Nuclear Deterrent, against keeping our few the nuclear weapons which in reality don't deter anyone.
15 minutes into Conference and a Motion to Suspend Standing Orders!
How very #ldconf
As it's #ldconf weekend, time to give this a boost - the speech I'd love to hear Ed Davey give, but am pretty sure he won't. I can live in hope that he (or, more likely, a successor) might.
I'm looking forward to speaking at Leading Design this February in San Francisco.
Use code JOINANDY for 20% off your tickets, which are available here bit.ly/3haVfoI
“What’s our approach?”, @jcoronado1@twitter.com asked at #LDConf:
• Do: I do it
• Tell: I tell them how to do it
• Teach: Teach and give the resources
• Advice: Provide, advice, guide, and consult
• Coach: Ask questions, challenge hypothesis
Review your:
• Circle of control
• Circle of influence
• Circle of concern
—@JillyBeanLin@twitter.com recommended at #LDConf with different levels of focus, and a proactive vs reactive focus where positive energy enlarges the circle of influence and negative reduces it
“Embrace a playful mindset – fuels curiosity, sparks creativity and encourages collaboration. You can play at work”
—@JillyBeanLin@twitter.com, @LEGO_Group@twitter.com’s Head of Interaction Design at #LDConf on #creativity, #imagination and #play
#ldconf #creativity #imagination #play
As #ImposterSyndrome got various mentions at #LDConf, have a look at @IDWithheld@twitter.com’s article “What we misunderstand about imposter syndrome as design leaders: Are we really impostors, or have we been gaslit into thinking so?”
A nuanced read worth your time:
Quieter, introverted leaders are 20% more likely to listen to new ideas. But 98% of senior executives identify as extroverts. There is a lot introverted leaders have to offer because leading rarely is about taking the stage.
—@Nicola_Ryan@twitter.com, VP at @CondeNast@twitter.com, says at #LDConf
“Innovation usually overrides safety. But instead of freaking out, build some safety innovation for the internet. The time for it is now.”
@LWelchman@twitter.com on ethical innovation, accountability, and chaos at #LDConf—w/ an example timeline of car safety innovation, safety standards
“Try improving moments, not changing process, to collectively help your team make an impact”
—@DuckDuckGo@twitter.com’s @habber@twitter.com arguing for an iterative and incremental approach to process management and organisational change at #LDConf
Team fun is essential when building and growing design teams, says @DanaBright20@twitter.com at #LDConf — and trading cards are a great way to share information and learn about each other.
At @DigitalServBund@twitter.com, we have been using @FigmaDesign@twitter.com’s card templates, too, for every designer joining
4 tips from Ray Ho
1. Talk—go far & wide & capture imagination don’t be apologetic about your role
2. Get hands-on w/ product processes
3. Have principles that go further than usability/accessibility
4. Champion experimentation & maker-culture