with Third Space LD professionals on collaborative writing, creating a writing community & the power of collaboration with
Silvina Bishopp-Martin, Paul Chin & Ralitsa Kantcheva in episode 9 of #LDproject #LoveLD https://aldinhe.ac.uk/networking/the-ld-project-podcast
Episode 7 of The Learning Development Project podcast
#LDproject #LoveLD is out now with Dr Amanda French inspiring us not to be scared of writing & to encourage students to see writing as a social act. https://aldinhe.ac.uk/networking/the-ld-project-podcast/
Read Sunny Dhillon's paper on #wellbeing in #JLDHE https://journal.aldinhe.ac.uk/index.php/jldhe/article/view/460 & listen to Sunny's interview with @TheLDPpodcast hosts @AlicjaSyska & @EvilDoctorB https://aldinhe.ac.uk/networking/the-ld-project-podcast #LoveLD #LDproject
#wellbeing #jldhe #loveld #ldproject
Professor Alison James, in episode 6 of The Learning Development Project podcast #LDproject, inspires us with "The value of play in HE" & shares top tips on improving writing & making it enjoyable. Listen to win a copy of Alison's book/download free at https://engagingimagination.com (click the pic on the website page) #LoveLD
Professor Alison James, in episode 6 of The Learning Development Project podcast #LDproject, inspires us with "The value of play in HE" & shares top tips on improving writing & making it enjoyable. Listen to win a copy of Alison's book/download free at https://engagingimagination.com (click the pic on the website page) #LoveLD
What makes you angry? Dr Sunny Dhillon calls for us to #TalkRecordWrite about something that annoys us. Join the #LDproject to hear Sunny discuss pedagogies of discomfort & the neoliberal university https://aldinhe.ac.uk/networking/the-ld-project-podcast #LoveLD
#loveld #ldproject #talkrecordwrite