Miss Pearl · @Omisspearl
259 followers · 330 posts · Server kinky.business

Waiting on a now (late) Uber to catch a train. The first car spontaneously cancelled 4 minutes away- hopefully everything else goes smoothly as I would have rather given myself more sensible space for customs.

I probably should have forced myself to do public transit an hour ago, but this is allegedly less stressful. At least it's not ye olde flat tire lie at the airport when they decide your route isn't far enough for their taste.

#ldr #longdistance

Last updated 1 year ago

Empath Haven · @EmpathHaven
2 followers · 16 posts · Server mstdn.social

We've all experienced that lingering question: What if circumstances had aligned differently? The weight of missed opportunities and unexplored potential can cast a shadow on the heart. Yet, the spark of hope remains. The dream that someday, fate might circle back, offering a second chance. The idea that years from now, across time and distance, the stars might align, bringing two souls together once more.

#destiny #lostlove #fate #ldr #hope #love #connections #Quote #heartache

Last updated 1 year ago

Aby · @aby
780 followers · 2262 posts · Server aus.social

Greg has covid.. again. 😔

It's so frustrating when he's sick, and I'm here and can't look after him. This is one of the really sucky parts of a

#longdistancerelationship #nonmonogamy #longdistance #ldr #enm

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy · @AndyT
191 followers · 750 posts · Server mstdn.party

Taking a break from the new album & to ! by .

‘Goddamn man-child…’ is one hell of an opening line & sustains that mood & that quality of songwriting across a double album. I love , but this, for me, is a stonecold classic & one of the best albums of the century to date.

This is 1st UK pressing is nothing special. Some surface noise in places, but otherwise decent dynamics.

#nowlistening #nfr #LanaDelRey #ldr #didyouknowthattheresatunnelunderoceanblvd #nowplaying #vinyl #vinylrecords #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy · @AndyT
185 followers · 731 posts · Server mstdn.party

It’s another day & I’m for the 5th time.

I’m a big fan & this, for me, is really close to peak. It’s not quite hitting me like , but it feels like it’s in that kind of ballpark. & &W is most certainly something else. It’s right up there.

This is the standard black pressing alas neither this nor the indie only green is flawless. This is a bit noisy - but I can live with it.

#LanaDelRey #nowplaying #didyouknowthattheresatunnelunderoceanblvd #ldr #nfr #a #vinyl #nowlistening #vinylrecords #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy · @AndyT
185 followers · 720 posts · Server mstdn.party

Happy day! Just about to crack open .

I’ve been looking forward to this - the singles suggest that this might be closer to than Blue Bannisters.

This is the limited edition indie exclusive (green, for some unfathomable reason). I do have the pink variant & the plain ol’ black on their way: but they won’t be here until tomorrow.

I don’t generally consider myself a completest, but it’s … What can I say?

#LanaDelRey #didyouknowthattheresatunnelunderoceanblvd #nfr #ldr #vinyl #vinylrecords #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Almost one year being single...
If I consider to start again, would try a LDR with a Japanese again. But... what social sites to try? I know they don't use them and more especially because of those damn scammers online.

#japan #ldr

Last updated 2 years ago

Aby · @aby
673 followers · 1915 posts · Server aus.social

I'm going to start using 'PolyNotPoly' (like SorryNotSorry) for the number of times I have to explain to someone that I'm non-monogamous, but not polyamorous.

#ldr #longdistance #nonmonogamy #longdistancerelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

Aby · @aby
656 followers · 1853 posts · Server aus.social

Greg and I are both phobic about dentists and hate going, we both end up shaky and weepy after visiting the dentist.

We're talking about how one of the ways we can care for each other is to schedule our yearly dental visits when the other of us is visiting.. so his when I'm in the UK, and mine when he's in Australia.

That way we can bundle each other up in blankets and hugs afterwards, and take care of each other for being brave and doing the thing even though it's scary.

Sometimes can have helpful consequences.

#ldr #Phobia #dentist #relationship #longdistance #nonmonogamy #longdistancerelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

Aby · @aby
650 followers · 1836 posts · Server aus.social

Greg's wife, Z, came home from work last night after having a spectacularly bad day, and the first thing she said when she walked in was "I feel like giving Aby a hug, is that weird? Is it OK? Can I give you a hug? Is it weird to want to give you a hug?"

We all then spent time joking about Z coming home from work to her husband (Greg) and her new wife (me).

[to be very clear, Z and I are building an amazing friendship, and aren't dating]

#ldr #longdistance #nonmonogamy #longdistancerelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

Aby · @aby
649 followers · 1808 posts · Server aus.social


This one is mine, and I absolutely love it!!

We got the done at Pastel Palace, in Colchester. They're , , friendly.. and amazing.

The moment we walked in we were asked if we wanted fidget toys, something to eat and drink, if we were comfortable and if we needed anything to help us be comfortable.

The entire experience was amazing, so much so that I'm planning to get tattoos there each year when I come to the UK.

(I'll post Greg's in the comments - for some reason mastodon is force closing when I try to post more than one picture)

#tattoo #queer #trans #disability #adhd #audhd #autism #ldr #longdistance #nonmonogamy #longdistancerelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

Aby · @aby
646 followers · 1800 posts · Server aus.social

We just attended a counter-protest at Colchester Library's Storytime, and Greg got to see me go toe-to-toe with for the first time.

The couple that protests together...

#dragqueen #nazis #ldr #trans #queer #longdistance #nonmonogamy #longdistancerelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

Aby · @aby
645 followers · 1794 posts · Server aus.social

I made my roast chicken pie for dinner the other night, and Z (Greg's wife) absolutely LOVED it. I knew Greg loved it, I've made it for him before.

I told Greg yesterday that I'd had the idea to make it with sage and tarragon dumplings on top, instead of the pastry pie lid.. because safe and tarragon pair really well with chicken. He mentioned that G (Z's other husband) loves dumplings, so we're planning on inviting him for dinner so I can cook for everyone.

I'm super excited about this (and more than a little nervous, but being nervous is ok).

Z was saying yesterday evening when she got home from work that it's delightful to come home to both of us in the house together.. I think that she feels much more comfortable with me actually being here and sharing space than when I'm online with Greg and only sharing attention - because I'm not just a disembodied voice she needs to try and be aware of.

Anyways, I'm enjoying the friendship we're building together. She's amazing, funny, insightful, and vibrant.. and as sharp as a switchblade. I definitely see why Greg is in love with her.

#ldr #relationship #longdistance #nonmonogamy

Last updated 2 years ago

Simon Deutschl · @simondeutschl
32 followers · 313 posts · Server troet.cafe

Meine Zeit als liegt schon eine Weile zurück. Ich würde gerne meinen via und auslesen. Also über diese LED, die für jede verbrauchte Menge an kWh einen Impuls ausgibt. Muss ich dazu auf etwas spezielles achten? Kann ich bspw. diesen hier nehmen:


Eine Anleitung habe ich bereits. Jetzt rätsele ich eben noch mit dem herum.

#ldr #raspberrypi #fotowiderstand #stromzahler #elektroniker

Last updated 2 years ago

Alo Japan · @alojapan
10 followers · 982 posts · Server masto.ai
Bryan Edwards · @bryan_edwards
454 followers · 1479 posts · Server mastodon.social
Bryan Edwards · @bryan_edwards
454 followers · 1479 posts · Server mastodon.social
Aby · @aby
622 followers · 1484 posts · Server aus.social

When my partner, Greg, has an old t-shirt he's going to toss because it's started wearing thin and getting holes, he sends it to me. I'm collecting them and am going to cut them up and make a quilt out of them.. so snuggling under the quilt will be like getting cuddle from him.

Long distance relationships are weird, man.

#ldr #longdistance #nonmonogamy #longdistancerelationship

Last updated 2 years ago

GeekProjects News · @news
1 followers · 1891 posts · Server geekprojects.com
IT News · @itnewsbot
2743 followers · 245949 posts · Server schleuss.online

A Flex Sensor For A Glove Controller Using An LDR - When most of us think of glove controllers, the first which comes to mind is Ninte... - hackaday.com/2023/01/15/a-flex

#ldr #flexsensor #glovecontroller #peripheralshacks

Last updated 2 years ago