We cannot discuss child abuse in the U.S., much of it totally legal and societally approved, without examining how it frequently develops in a religious matrix.
#childabuse #religion #mormon #lds
Mallory Challis goes where mainstream media have refused to go in analyzing the story of the child abuse of which Ruby Franke is accused as rooted in her LDS faith. As she notes, both Franke and her friend Jodi Hillebrandt, arrested with her, are "openly part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints," and Franke's videos about disciplining children often employ religious language about "repentance."
#childabuse #religion #mormon #lds
Popular #Mormon mommy vlogger turns out to be sociopath abuser. Shocker to everyone I'm sure.
#LDS #Religion
Neighbors say they tried to help #RubyFranke’s kids before #YouTuber’s arrest on child abuse charges
#mormon #lds #Religion #rubyfranke #YouTuber
EXCLUSIVE: Son of Mormon billionaire suing church for $5million over alleged fraud says followers are 'fleeing' faith after leaders 'lied' to them over how it spent secretive $175BILLION investment fund https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12393819/amp/Son-Mormon-billionaire-Jon-Huntsman-accuses-church-lying-billions.html?ito=smartnews #exmo #lds #fraud #ReligiousTrauma #magicalthinking
#magicalthinking #ReligiousTrauma #fraud #lds #exmo
Here's a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find Daniel’s full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/danieljohnson/.
There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by exmormons like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
#mormon #lds #ldschurch #exmormon #exmo #iwasamormon #faith #crisis #deconstruction #transition #postmormon #josephsmith #bookofmormon #doubt #questions #leaving #church
#church #leaving #questions #doubt #bookofmormon #josephsmith #postmormon #transition #deconstruction #crisis #faith #iwasamormon #exmo #exmormon #ldschurch #lds #mormon
As Jennifer Miller reports, the intense pressure placed on young Mormons to conform to the expectations of their religious community by marrying heterosexually (and refraining from all ssxual activity including masturbation prior to marriage) leads many young Mormons who know they are LGBTQ to seek "reparative" "therapy" — to pray away the gay.
Or, in the casue of "therapist" Scott Owen — to prey the gay….
A #Utah Therapist Built a Reputation for Helping Gay Latter-day Saints.
These Men Say He Sexually Abused Them.
Several #patients complained to the #church or the state licensing board about inappropriate touching during #therapy sessions.
It was years before the #therapist gave up his license.
#utah #patients #church #therapy #therapist #lds #sexualassault #doctors #abuse #lgbtq #News
Fridersdorf: PKW kracht auf LKW
Am Dienstagnachmittag kam es auf der Bundesautobahn um 12 Uhr an der Abfahrt Friedersdorf zu einem Verkehrsunfall. Ein PKW raste auf einen Lkw, der Pkw wurde erheblich beschädigt. Der Rettungsdienst stellte vor Ort vier leicht verl
#BlaulichtreportLausitz #DahmeSpreewald #Hilfeleistung #Polizei #Verkehrsunfall #BrLau #Feuerwehr #Fridersdorf #LDS #Polizei #Verkehrsunfall
#blaulichtreportlausitz #DahmeSpreewald #Hilfeleistung #polizei #verkehrsunfall #brlau #feuerwehr #fridersdorf #lds
As Pilar Melendez reports,
"Throughout the six-week trial, prosecutors argued that Vallow and her husband, Chad Daybell, were driven to kill by their beliefs in a renegade branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a need for money to start their new life."
#idaho #lorivallowdaybell #lds
WAS hat das mit #LDS zu tun ❓🙄🤦
Schönefeld: Transporter kollidiert S-Bahn
Am Montagmorgen kam es in Schönefeld in der Bohnsdorfer Chaussee zu einem schweren Unfall. Trotz geschlossener Bahnschranke war ein Transporter auf den Gleisen der S- Bahn, trotz sofort eingeleiteter Notb
#BlaulichtreportLausitz #DahmeSpreewald #Hilfeleistung #Polizei #Verkehrsunfall #BrLau #Feuerwehr #LDS #LKDahmeSpreewald #Polizei #Verkehrsunfall
#blaulichtreportlausitz #DahmeSpreewald #Hilfeleistung #polizei #verkehrsunfall #brlau #feuerwehr #lds #lkdahmespreewald
Learn how the #LDS Church reformed the alphabet to make it easier for immigrant converts to learn English. #spellingreform #Deseret Alphabet https://youtu.be/THZP0NeBSps
Mormon Church walks away from major multinational tax evasion scheme
>The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the Mormons, set up a tax structure in 2012 that allowed its adherents in #Australia to accumulate exemptions worth hundreds of millions of dollars that are not lawfully available to followers of other religions.
https://www.smh.com.au/national/mormons-walk-away-from-major-multinational-tax-evasion-scheme-20230705-p5dlxs.html #mormons #lds #mormon #ldschurch
#ldschurch #mormon #lds #mormons #Australia
@ai6yr Context: If you haven't, watch tee vee show, or read "Under The Banner Of Heaven" by Krakauer
#mormons #Mormonism #flds #lds
I have firm belief in my #LDS faith, but there’s a lot in my religious community that I’d like to see improved. Hopefully I help ease other’s burdens while also reminding my fellow church members what things were like when we were one of the “other” groups and why that should bring out compassion for marginalized groups, but I am just one guy.
Sorry to get deep, these are just some thoughts and concerns I’m having with recent #SCOTUS cases.
In fact, to many evangelicals the Latter-day Saints are one of the worst demographic groups out there. As rights get removed for groups more marginalized than mine (BIPOC, LGBTQ+) I try to do what little I can to ease that burden.
Partially because I feel a moral obligation to do so and partially because I’m concerned that if the evangelical brand of Christianity and conservatism takes strong power #LDS folks will be added to the list.