Remember when #UK #Centralists (#LibDens, #NuLabour) hailed #Macron as a 'new beginning'? For 5 years, Macron has pandered to the #Far-Right and helped kill the #French Left. Choice for #President is now a Right-shifted Macron or a Far-Right #Le_Pen.
It is always like this. Centralists are not 'neutral'. They are ALWAYS the 'acceptable face' of the Right, always drift ever further rightwards once in office.
This is why I distrust #Starmer & his Centralist Labour Party.
#starmer #le_pen #president #french #far #Macron #NuLabour #LibDens #Centralists #uk
Parce que “le peuple” n’est pas la propriété des actuels Le Pen, Sylvain #Boulouque a ici réuni les textes les plus emblématiques que Julien #Le_Pen, militant #syndicaliste et #libertaire, a publié dans les années trente dans son journal Le Peuple.
#libertaire #syndicaliste #le_pen #Boulouque