🇵🇱 BIG KUDOS TO ! OF THE in doing the right thing!

Finally TastingTraffic llc FIRST INTERNATONAL ALLIANCE IS POLAND & TOPS OUR CHARTS as the first Country to do what is ! 🇵🇱

Anything we can do to help let us know;)??

We have a PHD in all things internet while all other have a PHD in !

Polish Senate says use of IS IN POLAND 🇵🇱

A special commission within Poland’s Senate that the government’s use of spyware, like the one made by , is .

The commission announced on Thursday the conclusion of its 18-month into that the used NSO’s spyware, known as , to on an opposition and other politicians around the time of the country’s 2019 .

“Pegasus cannot be used under Polish ,” the report read, according to a machine translation. “This is because the does not allow the use of in which acquired is transferred through transmission by the relevant services, as this creates the of its and does not ensure its , as *required by law.”

In other words, NSO’s spyware is not designed in a way that Polish law, collects too much information and cannot guarantee that that information is properly, according to the report.

The commission also concluded that the Polish government used Pegasus to retaliate against opposition figures, and that these surveillance operations negatively influenced the 2019 elections in the country. The commission compared these abuses with Russian government hacker activities in the 2016 elections in the United States.

Deputy Speaker of the Senate Michał Kamiński is quoted in a press release as saying that Pegasus was used to spy on politicians in the opposition, including Polish senator , and to the political .

“It turns out that huge amounts of ,” Kamiński said, according to a machine translation, “are not spent in order to catch Russian agents, but in order to be interested in the life and views of Polish opposition politicians and influence the political process in Poland.

This was not used to , but as our committee proved, it was to who did not like the authorities.”

John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at the internet watchdog who has been investigating NSO and its customers’ abuses for years, said the fact that a European country’s government body reached these conclusions is significant because it shows there are serious problems with the use of in too, and not just repressive .

“A lot of people when they think about Pegasus they think about using . And of course, it’s . But what this report basically says is, look, when Pegasus is sold to , it can cause to core like ,” Scott-Railton told TechCrunch.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#poland #leader #PACK #right #BULLSHIT #GOVERNMENT_SPYWARE #DECLARED #illegal #concluded #NSO_Group #ISREAL #investigation #allegations #Polish_government #Pegasus #spy #POLITICIAN #elections #LAW #Polish_legal_system #programs #operational_data #channels #uncontrolled #RISK #violating #integrity #confidentiality #respects #secured #Krzysztof_Brejza #influence #process #money #monstrous_weapon #protect_citizens #USED #persecute_people #Citizen_Lab #democratic_countries #regimes #dictators #spyware #true #democracies #great_harm #democratic_processes #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
7 followers · 2126 posts · Server tastingtraffic.net

🇵🇱 BIG KUDOS TO ! OF THE in doing the right thing!

Finally TastingTraffic llc FIRST INTERNATONAL ALLIANCE IS POLAND & TOPS OUR CHARTS as the first Country to do what is ! 🇵🇱

Anything we can do to help let us know;)??

We have a PHD in all things internet while all other have a PHD in .. GRIIN..

Polish Senate says use of IS IN POLAND 🇵🇱

A special commission within Poland’s Senate that the government’s use of spyware, like the one made by , is .

The commission announced on Thursday the conclusion of its 18-month into that the used NSO’s spyware, known as , to on an opposition and other politicians around the time of the country’s 2019 .

“Pegasus cannot be used under Polish ,” the report read, according to a machine translation. “This is because the does not allow the use of in which acquired is transferred through transmission by the relevant services, as this creates the of its and does not ensure its , as *required by law.”

In other words, NSO’s spyware is not designed in a way that Polish law, collects too much information and cannot guarantee that that information is properly, according to the report.

The commission also concluded that the Polish government used Pegasus to retaliate against opposition figures, and that these surveillance operations negatively influenced the 2019 elections in the country. The commission compared these abuses with Russian government hacker activities in the 2016 elections in the United States.

Deputy Speaker of the Senate Michał Kamiński is quoted in a press release as saying that Pegasus was used to spy on politicians in the opposition, including Polish senator , and to the political .

“It turns out that huge amounts of ,” Kamiński said, according to a machine translation, “are not spent in order to catch Russian agents, but in order to be interested in the life and views of Polish opposition politicians and influence the political process in Poland.

This was not used to , but as our committee proved, it was to who did not like the authorities.”

John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at the internet watchdog who has been investigating NSO and its customers’ abuses for years, said the fact that a European country’s government body reached these conclusions is significant because it shows there are serious problems with the use of in too, and not just repressive .

“A lot of people when they think about Pegasus they think about using . And of course, it’s . But what this report basically says is, look, when Pegasus is sold to , it can cause to core like ,” Scott-Railton told TechCrunch.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#poland #leader #PACK #right #BULLSHIT #GOVERNMENT_SPYWARE #DECLARED #illegal #concluded #NSO_Group #ISREAL #investigation #allegations #Polish_government #Pegasus #spy #POLITICIAN #elections #LAW #Polish_legal_system #programs #operational_data #channels #uncontrolled #RISK #violating #integrity #confidentiality #respects #secured #Krzysztof_Brejza #influence #process #money #monstrous_weapon #protect_citizens #USED #persecute_people #Citizen_Lab #democratic_countries #regimes #dictators #spyware #true #democracies #great_harm #democratic_processes #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

DavidV.TV ® · @DavidVTV
7 followers · 2125 posts · Server tastingtraffic.net

🇵🇱 BIG KUDOS TO ! OF THE in doing the right thing!

Finally TastingTraffic llc FIRST INTERNATONAL ALLIANCE IS POLAND & TOPS OUR CHARTS as the first Country to do what is ! 🇵🇱

Anything we can do to help let us know;)??

We have a PHD in all things internet while all other have a PHD in .. GRIIN..

Polish Senate says use of IS IN POLAND 🇵🇱

A special commission within Poland’s Senate that the government’s use of spyware, like the one made by , is .

The commission announced on Thursday the conclusion of its 18-month into that the used NSO’s spyware, known as , to on an opposition and other politicians around the time of the country’s 2019 .

“Pegasus cannot be used under Polish ,” the report read, according to a machine translation. “This is because the does not allow the use of in which acquired is transferred through transmission by the relevant services, as this creates the of its and does not ensure its , as *required by law.”

In other words, NSO’s spyware is not designed in a way that Polish law, collects too much information and cannot guarantee that that information is properly, according to the report.

The commission also concluded that the Polish government used Pegasus to retaliate against opposition figures, and that these surveillance operations negatively influenced the 2019 elections in the country. The commission compared these abuses with Russian government hacker activities in the 2016 elections in the United States.

Deputy Speaker of the Senate Michał Kamiński is quoted in a press release as saying that Pegasus was used to spy on politicians in the opposition, including Polish senator , and to the political .

“It turns out that huge amounts of ,” Kamiński said, according to a machine translation, “are not spent in order to catch Russian agents, but in order to be interested in the life and views of Polish opposition politicians and influence the political process in Poland.

This was not used to , but as our committee proved, it was to who did not like the authorities.”

John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at the internet watchdog who has been investigating NSO and its customers’ abuses for years, said the fact that a European country’s government body reached these conclusions is significant because it shows there are serious problems with the use of in too, and not just repressive .

“A lot of people when they think about Pegasus they think about using . And of course, it’s . But what this report basically says is, look, when Pegasus is sold to , it can cause to core like ,” Scott-Railton told TechCrunch.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#poland #leader #PACK #right #BULLSHIT #GOVERNMENT_SPYWARE #DECLARED #illegal #concluded #NSO_Group #ISREAL #investigation #allegations #Polish_government #Pegasus #spy #POLITICIAN #elections #LAW #Polish_legal_system #programs #operational_data #channels #uncontrolled #RISK #violating #integrity #confidentiality #respects #secured #Krzysztof_Brejza #influence #process #money #monstrous_weapon #protect_citizens #USED #persecute_people #Citizen_Lab #democratic_countries #regimes #dictators #spyware #true #democracies #great_harm #democratic_processes #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

🇵🇱 BIG KUDOS TO ! OF THE in doing the right thing!

Finally TastingTraffic llc FIRST INTERNATONAL ALLIANCE IS POLAND & TOPS OUR CHARTS as the first Country to do what is ! 🇵🇱

Anything we can do to help let us know;)??

We have a PHD in all things internet while all other have a PHD in .. GRIIN..

Polish Senate says use of IS IN POLAND 🇵🇱

A special commission within Poland’s Senate that the government’s use of spyware, like the one made by , is .

The commission announced on Thursday the conclusion of its 18-month into that the used NSO’s spyware, known as , to on an opposition and other politicians around the time of the country’s 2019 .

“Pegasus cannot be used under Polish ,” the report read, according to a machine translation. “This is because the does not allow the use of in which acquired is transferred through transmission by the relevant services, as this creates the of its and does not ensure its , as *required by law.”

In other words, NSO’s spyware is not designed in a way that Polish law, collects too much information and cannot guarantee that that information is properly, according to the report.

The commission also concluded that the Polish government used Pegasus to retaliate against opposition figures, and that these surveillance operations negatively influenced the 2019 elections in the country. The commission compared these abuses with Russian government hacker activities in the 2016 elections in the United States.

Deputy Speaker of the Senate Michał Kamiński is quoted in a press release as saying that Pegasus was used to spy on politicians in the opposition, including Polish senator , and to the political .

“It turns out that huge amounts of ,” Kamiński said, according to a machine translation, “are not spent in order to catch Russian agents, but in order to be interested in the life and views of Polish opposition politicians and influence the political process in Poland.

This was not used to , but as our committee proved, it was to who did not like the authorities.”

John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at the internet watchdog who has been investigating NSO and its customers’ abuses for years, said the fact that a European country’s government body reached these conclusions is significant because it shows there are serious problems with the use of in too, and not just repressive .

“A lot of people when they think about Pegasus they think about using . And of course, it’s . But what this report basically says is, look, when Pegasus is sold to , it can cause to core like ,” Scott-Railton told TechCrunch.



CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#poland #leader #PACK #right #BULLSHIT #GOVERNMENT_SPYWARE #DECLARED #illegal #concluded #NSO_Group #ISREAL #investigation #allegations #Polish_government #Pegasus #spy #POLITICIAN #elections #LAW #Polish_legal_system #programs #operational_data #channels #uncontrolled #RISK #violating #integrity #confidentiality #respects #secured #Krzysztof_Brejza #influence #process #money #monstrous_weapon #protect_citizens #USED #persecute_people #Citizen_Lab #democratic_countries #regimes #dictators #spyware #true #democracies #great_harm #democratic_processes #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

woodrat :sfgiantshat: · @woodrat
33 followers · 610 posts · Server sfba.social

I think the lost it's tech lead sometime around QR codes

#USA #leader

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
360 followers · 11724 posts · Server masto.ai
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
693 followers · 39387 posts · Server schleuss.online
The Ocean Cowboy · @Oceancowboy
387 followers · 226 posts · Server kolektiva.social

We need a "Caesar" and then a "Solomon". A to get things in and a & to maintain it.

#moderate #tyrant #order #wise #strong #leader

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
178 followers · 367 posts · Server hear-me.social

Marcel Cartier - Standing Upright (Thomas Sankara Tribute)


, the who transformed what was Upper Volta to . Nearly 39 years since his untimely death, his continues to live on across and the .

#thomas #sankara #revolutionary #leader #burkina #faso #legacy #africa #world

Last updated 1 year ago

Herr Jemineh 🛡️ · @knutmeenzen
72 followers · 496 posts · Server troet.cafe

"Auf dem Berg ist ganz schön viel los..."
Ich war heute seit längerer Zeit mal wieder in Nickelsdorf bei dem Verein Ländliche Kerne e.V. und konnte mich ausführlich über das unglaublich vielfältige Angebotsspektrum dort informieren.


#kreistag #leader #SaaleHolzlandKreis

Last updated 1 year ago

LEADER Kulturlandschaft WML · @leaderwml
5 followers · 28 posts · Server nrw.social

Dienstbesprechung mal anders:

Statt Besprechungsraum ein sonniges "walk & talk" rund um die Ahauser Aa in -Alstätte, quer durchs Witte Venn. Und vorher ein superleckeres Frühstück in der Haarmühle.

So macht der Wochenstart Spaß - auch den Teilnehmenden von der Bezirksregierung Münster, dem Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz NRW und aus den 9 -Regionen aus dem .

#ahaus #leader #munsterland

Last updated 1 year ago

faz · @f13
6 followers · 65 posts · Server baraag.net
faz · @f13
6 followers · 64 posts · Server baraag.net
Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
297 followers · 1744 posts · Server mstdn.social

The First for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field, held on 22 August 1864.

Birth Anniversary of Deng Xiaoping (1904). He has been called by many as the "General Architect of the Reforms".


#leader #chinese #convention #geneva #onthisday

Last updated 1 year ago

Things David Likes · @ThingsDavidLikes
9 followers · 20 posts · Server mstdn.social

Europastaatssekretär Malte Krückels hat am 18. August, das Altenburger Unternehmen W3 Wandel-Werte-Wege gGmbH besucht und sich über dessen Safran- informiert. Das Projekt zur Wiederansiedlung des |s in ist einzigartig in Thüringen, auch bundesweit gibt es kein vergleichbares Projekt. Seit 2016 wird der in Altenburg mit Unterstützung von und des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung () vorangetrieben und erforscht.

#forschungsprojekt #safran #altenburg #safrananbau #leader #bmbf

Last updated 1 year ago

Tobias Kremkau · @kremkau
642 followers · 1211 posts · Server machteburch.social

Vor über einem Jahr habe ich über den bisher einmaligen Konflikt zwischen zwei -LAGen hier in der berichtet.

➡️ blog.kremkau.io/leader-lag-rec

➡️ blog.kremkau.io/leader-lag-alt

In den vergangenen Monaten hat MDR-Redakteurin Katharina Gebauer zu dem Thema recherchiert. Heute erschienen ihre beiden Artikel zu dem Thema, um 19 Uhr gibt es einen TV-Beitrag dazu im MDR.

➡️ mdr.de/nachrichten/sachsen-anh

➡️ mdr.de/nachrichten/sachsen-anh

#leader #altmark

Last updated 1 year ago

Wischekurier · @wischekurier
3 followers · 508 posts · Server brandenburg.social

Prignitzer: 3,5 Millionen Euro werden 2023 verteilt, -Förderaufruf startet , Antrag beim Landesamt erfolgt nur digital

#leader #prignitz #brandenburg

Last updated 1 year ago

Europastaatssekretär Malte Krückels besuchte heute das in .

Seit 2014 führen die Schwestern Anne-Kathrin und Ulrike Walter erfolgreich das Café.

Um bei Veranstaltungen noch präsenter zu sein, planen die Schwestern einen mobilen, energieautarken Kuchen- und Kaffeeverkauf mit einer dreirädrigen italienischen Piaggio Ape aus den 70er Jahren. Gut die Hälfte der Anschaffungs- und Umbaukosten finanziert die RAG Unstrut-Hainich über das Förderprogramm .

#cafeschwesterherz #badlangensalza #leader

Last updated 1 year ago

Edwin · @copto
3 followers · 37 posts · Server gardenstate.social