#haltungentscheidet #leadershipcoaching #lcc #peercoaching #selfleadership
In der Tat war dieser #lcc Circle (Schweizer Runde) besonders interessant, weil durch das Mäandern links und rechts zum eigentlichen #Lernpfad zahlreiche wertvolle Verknüpfungen entstanden sind.
#haltungentscheidet #leadershipcoaching #lcc #peercoaching #selfleadership #lernpfad
Do leaders achieve more through fear or inspiration? Results or relationships? Let's explore these classic leadership debates and how the most effective leaders integrate complimentary elements situationally.
#Leadership #Management #FearVsInspiration #ResultsVsPeople #OrganizationalCulture #LeadershipStyles #Motivation #Strategy #DecisionMaking #Ethics #Adaptability #EmotionalIntelligence #LeadershipCoaching #ABeautifulMess #Compassion #Empathy
#empathy #compassion #abeautifulmess #leadershipcoaching #emotionalIntelligence #adaptability #ethics #decisionmaking #strategy #motivation #LeadershipStyles #organizationalculture #resultsvspeople #fearvsinspiration #management #leadership
#haltungentscheidet #SelbstFührung #leadership #leadershipCoaching
💎 In Zeiten zunehmender Unsicherheit wird #Selbstorganisation immer wichtiger. Selbstorganisierte Teams erfordern mehr Selbstorganisation des Einzelnen. Je mehr Selbstorganisation, desto mehr #Selbstführung.
❓ Was kann ich für die Entwicklung meiner Selbstführungsfähigkeiten konkret tun?
❓ Wie kann ich als Führungspersönlichkeit eine Selbst-Bewusstheit für meine Haltung und mein Verhalten erlangen?
#haltungentscheidet #selbstfuhrung #leadership #leadershipcoaching #selbstorganisation
#leadershipcoaching #PeerLearning #PeerCoaching #LCC #veränderung #innerwork
💎 Jeder Veränderung gehen zunächst die Wahrnehmung und Bewusstmachung voraus.
👉 Wann sind Menschen bereit sich zu verändern?
👉 Wie können wir unser erstes Werkzeug des Selbst-Entwicklers nutzen, um uns auf Veränderung einzulassen?
👉 Wie kommen wir in die Selbst-Bewusstheit?
Im 2. Teil spreche ich über diese Fragen mit Jens Corssen:
#leadershipcoaching #peerlearning #peercoaching #lcc #veranderung #innerwork
Dear Colleagues in #scandinavia, western #europe, etc.,
I will attend the #XP2023 conference in Amsterdam, June 14-16, and my calendar is open to staying in the "neighborhood" for the following week, June 19-23.
To arrange for me to visit your company for #learning, e.g. #consulting, #leadershipcoaching, #leadershipagilityadvising, #workshops, or #talks, etc., please get in touch.
Need to finalize my flights soon.
#appreciation for considering the #possibilities.
#scandinavia #europe #xp2023 #learning #consulting #leadershipcoaching #leadershipagilityadvising #workshops #talks #appreciation #possibilities
Ready or not, here it comes! The Coaching From Essence ebook will be published on Amazon tomorrow (the paperback will be available next week). It's already an Amazon bestseller.
This is your last chance to grab it for only .99¢. Don't wait. Begin before you're ready!
#coaching #executivecoaching #leadershipcoaching #lifecoaching #coachingfromessence #coachingbooks #book #booklaunch #leaders #leadershipcoach #leadershipdevelopment #leadership
#coaching #executivecoaching #leadershipcoaching #lifecoaching #coachingfromessence #coachingbooks #book #BookLaunch #leaders #leadershipcoach #LeadershipDevelopment #leadership
#coaching #executivecoaching #leadershipcoaching #lifecoaching #coachingfromessence #coachingbooks #book #booklaunch #leaders #leadershipcoach #leadershipdevelopment #leadership
#coaching #executivecoaching #leadershipcoaching #lifecoaching #coachingfromessence #coachingbooks #book #BookLaunch #leaders #leadershipcoach #LeadershipDevelopment #leadership
The client knows what they need, but they don't know that they know—or they're not ready to let themselves know it. The presenting problem is rarely the real problem.
#coaching #executivecoaching #leadershipcoaching #lifecoaching #coachingfromessence #coachingbooks #book #booklaunch #leaders #leadershipcoach #leadershipdevelopment #leadership
#coaching #executivecoaching #leadershipcoaching #lifecoaching #coachingfromessence #coachingbooks #book #BookLaunch #leaders #leadershipcoach #LeadershipDevelopment #leadership
Question to the #lazyweb and people dealing with #teams and #leadership
Do you have any recommendations or good reads on team working and tge like? Interested to know what has worked or inspired you.
#lazyweb #teams #leadership #leadershipcoaching #leadershipmatters
Question to the #lazyweb and people dealing with #teams and #leadership
Do you have any recommendations or good reads on team working and tge like? Interested to know what has worked or inspired you.
#leadershipcoaching LeadershMatters
#lazyweb #teams #leadership #leadershipcoaching
#meinZiel23 #Einladung Liebe #clc im Rahmen unserer Lernaktivität mit dem Schwerpunkt #peerlearning laden wir Interessierte in eine #peercoaching #challenge ein: "Meine Haltung entscheidet!" Wenn ihr Lust habt mit Gleichgesinnten diese #LeadershipCoaching #Challenge auszuprobieren meldet euch bitte per DM bei mir.
#meinziel23 #einladung #clc #peerlearning #peercoaching #challenge #leadershipcoaching
Interesting read about Leadership:
3 Skills Every New Leader Needs by @harvardbiz@twitter.com
#leadership #leadershipcoaching https://buff.ly/3ZgnnIp
#leadership #leadershipcoaching
Reminder: Last call! Book a six-month coaching contract with me—"a different kind of coaching for a different kind of leader"—before year-and, and your first month is on the house. (You'll find the link in the first comment.)
#coaching #LeadershipCoaching #strategicsustainability
#strategicsustainability #leadershipcoaching #coaching
Reminder: Last call! Book a six-month coaching contract with me—"a different kind of coaching for a different kind of leader"—before year-end, and your first month is on the house.
(You'll find the link in the first comment.)
#coaching #LeadershipCoaching #ExecutiveCoaching #StrategicSustainability
#strategicsustainability #executivecoaching #leadershipcoaching #coaching
Andrea Altier
Certified Co-Active Coach. I support your transformation with Individual coaching, Transformational, Personal Coaching, Leadership Coaching Program, Individual Coaching and Individual Therapy.Hi, I’m Andrea! It`s all about process, when we grow we have more to give to others, I have coached teams, team leaders, and managers.
Click here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreaaltier/
#dynamicmeditation #leadershipcoaching #howdoyouprioritize #wholeheartedleadership
#wholeheartedleadership #howdoyouprioritize #leadershipcoaching #dynamicmeditation
Kicking the tires on Mastodon and the polling feature.
My passions are writing and developing others. Previously I had a musically inspired leadership podcast and one on overcoming fiction writing challenges.
Should I relaunch my two short form (10 minutes or less per episode) podcasts?
#writingcommunity #LeadershipDevelopment #creativity #leadership #writing #amwriting #leadershipcoaching
#writingcommunity #leadershipdevelopment #creativity #leadership #writing #amwriting #leadershipcoaching
Thoroughly enjoyed being interviewed by Bowen Dwelle on the Decide Nothing podcast. Listen here: https://decidenothing.substack.com/p/ep07-essence-intuition-and-penetrating. #coaching #exercutivecoaching #leadership #leadershipcoaching #loveyourlife
#coaching #exercutivecoaching #leadership #leadershipcoaching #loveyourlife
It's important as leaders to understand that our strengths if overused can work against us. Being focused on taking action gets things done, and is a great skill to have. It eliminates analysis paralysis. However, if we take action too quickly, we run the risk of not correctly identifying the problem or jumping to a convenient solution for the sake of moving forward. Six months later, we are back to trying to fix the same problem. #LeadershipDevelopment #Leadership #leadershipcoaching
#leadershipdevelopment #leadership #leadershipcoaching
Been a great coaching day today. Morning spent with a Headteacher I know well and followed this afternoon by the first session with an Executive Director of Education. It’s been a good one!
#coaching #leadership #leadershipcoaching #edutoot #edutoots
#edutoots #edutoot #leadershipcoaching #leadership #coaching
Sunday's leadership nugget:
Leading is more than bringing your best authentic-self to the workplace daily. It's helping others do the same.
Do what you can to help your people's greatness shine through. It's there even when you don't see it.
#LeadershipDevelopment #leadership
#leadershipdevelopment #leadership #leadershipcoaching #yourleadershipbytes