⚡️@young_bjs article⚡️
The authors suggest it is time effective interventions should be gathered into a postoperative bundle of care.
Read the paper in full⬇️
@young_bjs @JJEarnshaw
🆕A surgical life by Donald E. Low:
“Have the right partner at home and have the right partners at work.”
Read the full interview here ⬇️
📢@bjsacademy RCT of the month!
This is important evidence for the benefit of neoadjuvant treatment for melanoma.
#GeneralSurgery @JJEarnshaw
#leadingsurgicaleducation #GeneralSurgery
⚡️@young_bjs article⚡️
This short article suggests the outcomes of surgery for this condition are questionable particularly in the long term.
Read the paper in full⬇️
@young_bjs @JJEarnshaw
Good luck to all the students commencing the #WritingInSurgery course this week.
Are you interested in participating in this course?
Visit https://www.bjsacademy.com/institute
for information on the September course: applications opening soon!
#writinginsurgery #leadingsurgicaleducation
Did you keep up to date with the most useful digital material concerning surgery published throughout February?
Here's a recap from our @bjsacademy social media team @TejedorPat @AnnaCurell @RosaMJimenezRod @juliomayol ⬇️
📢Januarys review of the recent #randomizedclinicaltrials now available!
Focus on: #HPB #UpperGI #Colorectal
Keep up to date with recent results ⬇️ https://www.bjsacademy.com/academy/scientific-surgery/randomized-clinical-trials
#LeadingSurgicalEducation #SoMe4Surgery
@BJSurgery @BJSOpen @young_bjs
#randomizedclinicaltrials #hpb #uppergi #colorectal #leadingsurgicaleducation #some4surgery
We are the educational arm of @BJSurgery: a hub to
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✍️SIGN UP for the latest in continuing #surgicaleducation
#surgicaleducation #leadingsurgicaleducation
A surgical life by Adesoji Ademyuiwa:
1. Be focused.
2. Learn to be empathetic.
3. Encourage and be prepared to mentor others.
Read the full interview here ⬇️
@young_bjs @BJSOpen @BJSurgery
Did you read this interview with Professor Derek Alderson's "Life in Surgery", BJSS Executive Vice Chair?
A surgeon's path: training, struggling, achieving, teaching, reflecting..beyond surgery
Read in full ➡️ https://www.bjsacademy.com/a-surgical-life-by-derek-alderson
📢Decembers review of the recent #randomizedclinicaltrials now available!
Focus on: #GeneralSurgery #Breast #Colorectal #Trauma #Vascular
Keep up to date with recent results ⬇️ https://www.bjsacademy.com/academy/scientific-surgery/randomized-clinical-trials
#LeadingSurgicalEducation #SoMe4Surgery
@BJSurgery @BJSOpen @young_bjs
#randomizedclinicaltrials #GeneralSurgery #breast #colorectal #trauma #vascular #leadingsurgicaleducation #some4surgery
Did you read this interview with Professor Derek Alderson's "Life in Surgery", BJSS Executive Vice Chair?
A surgeon's path: training, struggling, achieving, teaching, reflecting..beyond surgery
Read in full ➡️ https://www.bjsacademy.com/a-surgical-life-by-derek-alderson
⚡️@young_bjs article⚡️
Valuable explanation of the role of these increasingly important therapies.
Read the paper in full⬇️
Lets take the opportunity to revisit the free online tutorial by @evanscolorectal on:
How to write a clinical paper?
Part 1 of 4
#leadingsurgicaleducation #some4surgery
Did you miss the @young_bjs article - Stage III melanoma: role of lymph node dissection and (neo-)adjuvant systemic therapies?
To read in full visit ⬇️
Did you miss the Surgical Digest on Thyroidectomy for Graves' disease?
Authors: Martin Almquist, Frédéric Triponez, Carolyn D. Seib
To read in full visit ⬇️
@BJSurgery @BJSOpen @young_bjs
SPONGE trial: not worth the investment, unless perhaps it is expected the procedure will be prolonged.
Read the article in full ⬇️
#RandomizedClinicalTrials #LeadingSurgicalEducation
@BJSurgery @JJEarnshaw
#randomizedclinicaltrials #leadingsurgicaleducation
Colorectal endoscopic Stenting Trial (CReST):
A good study, and an important result, given the difficulties of managing even a temporary stoma.
Read the paper in full ⬇️
#RandomizedClinicalTrials #LeadingSurgicalEducation
@BJSurgery @JJEarnshaw
#randomizedclinicaltrials #leadingsurgicaleducation
Part 2 of Novembers review of the recent #randomizedclinicaltrials now available!
Particular focus: #GeneralSurgery #UpperGI #Colorectal #HPB
Keep up to date with recent results ➡️ https://www.bjsacademy.com/academy/scientific-surgery/randomized-clinical-trials
#LeadingSurgicalEducation #SoMe4Surgery
@BJSurgery @BJSOpen @young_bjs
#randomizedclinicaltrials #GeneralSurgery #uppergi #colorectal #hpb #leadingsurgicaleducation #some4surgery
Available now: Part 1 of Novembers review of the recent #randomizedclinicaltrials published in the leading surgical journals worldwide.
Keep up with recent results ➡️ https://www.bjsacademy.com/academy/scientific-surgery/randomized-clinical-trials
#LeadingSurgicalEducation #SoMe4Surgery
@BJSurgery @BJSOpen @young_bjs @JJEarnshaw
#randomizedclinicaltrials #leadingsurgicaleducation #some4surgery