"As I've progressed in my career, I've come to appreciate -- and really value -- the other attributes that define a company's success beyond the P&L: great leadership, long-term financial strength, ethical business practices, evolving business strategies, sound governance, powerful brands, values-based decision-making." - Ursula Burns former CEO XEROX
#thinklikeaceo #leadtosoar #advancingwomen
There is a saying that you cannot pour from an empty cup.
So you must take care of yourself first.
How does this apply to your leadership and your career?
#LeadToSoar #PersonalGreatness #Leadership #WomenSupportingWomen
#leadtosoar #personalgreatness #leadership #WomenSupportingWomen
“Many of us feel we are on earth for some larger reason – even if we aren’t 100% sure of what it is.” - Susan Colantuono No Ceiling No Walls
What is your purpose?
How to you bring that to your leadership role?
What will be your legacy?
Who are you called to become?
"A promotion isn't a reward for past performance, it's a call for leadership at a higher level." - Susan Colatuono
#thinklikeaceo #leadtosoar #advancingwomen
So please to be able to share the stellar career of Marlene Elliott, a credentialed and accomplished woman in sport and business.
#womeninsport #howshedidit #leadtosoar
Have you sat back to consider how you choose your job references? One #LeadtoSoar coaching client learned a tough lesson - not every referee will promote your skills like you want them to.
#leadtosoar #careeradvice #jobsearch #advancingwomen
Have you sat back to consider how you choose your job references? One #LeadToSoar coaching client learned a tough lesson - not every referee will promote your skills like you want them to. So Michelle and Mel breakdown how best to choose and prepare your referees so you land exactly where you want to.
🎧 https://www.leadtosoar.com/podcast/episode/76b441bd/choose-your-job-referee-carefully
Have you read this article by #LeadToSoar cofounder Susan Colantuono?
Accelerate your career was published by Dialogue Review this March.
Check out the 10 actionable insights! Your career will thank you.
#leadtosoar #career #careeradvice #advancingwomen
I am a workplace gender equality, diversity and inclusion expert. In my work with organisations worldwide, I see the good, the bad and the indifferent regarding women’s lived experiences.
But, as we near International Women’s Day 2023, I wanted to find ways to celebrate and commemorate IWD 2023 and better understand what this day means to the women in the #LeadToSoar community. So, I asked them.
Read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-international-womens-day-celebrate-2023-leadtosoar
#leadtosoar #diversityandinclusion #internationalwomensday2023 #iwd
In case you're not aware, I am deadly serious about closing the global leadership gender gap and helping businesswomen to soar in leadership, careers and life!
#getshitdone #mindthegap #leadtosoar
This week's episode of the Lead to Soar #podcast deals with the word ambition.
"Ambitious woman" is still used as a pejorative term. Why?
Why is it NOT OK for women to be ambitious?
Why is it VERY Ok for women to be ambitious?
Mel Butcher and I pull apart this word and redefine it.
#leadtosoar #podcast #womenatwork #WomenSupportingWomen #career