@grimalkina It’s real and @tricia and I consider it in #LeadWithoutBlame. I’d love to see your research on it when you find the right place to publish…or consider submitting to the @agilealliance #XP2024 conference when academic submissions open! @wouterla
"Leadership Through Learning: why it Matters to Leaders and Teams" w/ Diana Larsen and Tricia Broderick (@t_broderick) is just one of the great sessions at #Agile2023. Don't miss the world's biggest #Agile event!
#RoadtoAgile2023 #AgileLeadership #AgileTeams #Leadership #LeadWithoutBlame
#agile2023 #agile #roadtoagile2023 #agileleadership #agileteams #leadership #leadwithoutblame
Enjoyed the participants’ comments and curiosity at #SMOTU meetup. #LeadWithoutBlame #speaker #leadership #book @tricia #leaders #futureOfWork https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7035093944149446656-gDNA?utm_source=post_nba&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via
#smotu #leadwithoutblame #speaker #leadership #book #leaders #futureofwork
When you feel the impulse to blame other programmers for "over-engineering" or putting too many complications in their designs, please remember:
- Most people learn Just Enough Design by experiencing both Too Much and Too Little Design
- How did _you_ learn how much design is Just Enough Design?
#lightweight #leadwithoutblame
RT @scanagile@twitter.com
🥁 Here's our featured keynote speaker, who is highly inspirational, a trusted advisor, and a prolific author
🌟 Diana Larsen - keynote speaker for #ScanAgile23 on Lead without Blame: Why it matters to leaders and teams
#leadwithoutblame #dianalarsen @ @scanagile@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/scanagile/status/1618954839274438656
#dianalarsen #leadwithoutblame #scanagile23
@jchyip That’s a situation that @tricia & I write about in #LeadWithoutBlame book. It’s partly individual inclination and mostly “system driving behavior” pressure. #orgculture
@carnage4life Yes. Totally. @tricia and I include it under resilience factor: “collaborative connection” in our book, #LeadWithoutBlame; 1 of 4 resilient learning Team factors.
I've watched and heard about teams struggling with the Daily Standup even to the point of horror stories.
The successes I've witnessed have all hinged on making a commitment not to blame people for sharing unpleasant news.
We can simply decide to #LeadWithoutBlame. So... why don't we? Why don't _you_? What about the system you live or work in interferes with your desire not to blame? Are you willing to share a story?
I teach #tdd in part to create environments in which programmers feel safer making decisions, an ingredient of a greater feeling of autonomy.
At the same time, I help traditional architects (and others who hoard design decisions for the good of the project) feel safer to delegate some of their decision making. This becomes quite personal and intense work.
This way, we #LeadWithoutBlame.