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Today (day before the EU Parliament elections in the UK) the Scottish version of the Labour Party leaflet arrived. Previously, voters in the Highlands had been sent a leaflet designed for Wales.
All the leaflets are delivered as "election communications", which mean they are delivered free by Royal Mail. Does this mean that the Welsh leaflet for the Highlands mix-up was a Royal Mail error?
If I were an agent for a competing party I'd be checking this situation.
#eu #politics #leaflets #labour
Today, the Tory EU Election leaflet arrived.
A one-trick pony pushing a single policy. Other than "no more referendums" this leaflet contains no real policies. Nicola Sturgeon gets far more mentions than "Conservatives" and "Ruth Davidson" combined. This is negative campaigning on stilts.
The horrible colours is not a photo failure, they really are like that.
#eu #politics #elections #leaflets #tory #conservatives
I've kept the "best" till last.
"Vote for Welsh Labour"
What? You complete muppets, I live in Scotland, not Wales. The clue is my address.
A complete waste of money by Labour, but at least we will be able to make jokes at their expense.
The leaflet design is also terrible, about as interesting as a wet Wednesday in Wrexham.
#eu #politics #leaflets #labour #elections #cymru #wales
Next up is the SNP leaflet.
Of all the leaflets received so far this has the best design and has a light, airy feel. I wish though the SNP would take some new photos of Nicola, they keep using the same one.
Even though this is a Euro election leaflet there is only one mention of independence. Do try harder, SNP.
#snp #eu #politics #leaflets #elections
The first of the today's leaflets is from UKIP.
Frankly, aside from the nonsense about Brexit (particularly in Scotland) anything with "UK" on it and Union Jacks goes straight in the bin.
#eu #politics #leaflets #ukip #elections
A slew of EU Parliament election leaflets arrived on Saturday and today.
First up is a suitably half-recycled (it arrived like that in the post) leaflet from the Scottish Greens.
The tagline "Choose Hope Over Hate" is good, even if it is a variation of "hope over fear".
Rather mischievously the bar chart on the rear omits SNP, Labour & Tories. An old electioneering tactic.
#eu #politics #leaflets #greens #elections