We've got numbers for all of you who enjoy tracking data! In Jan/Feb 2023, we have distributed $135,913 in CalFresh and (MM) at 6 local farmers' markets across 5,475 transactions!

You may note that the total dollar amount is a slight decrease from the same period in 2022. We can trace this to two root causes:

1. Until April '22, MM incentives were $15/customer. Since then, they have been $10/customer. This means fewer incentive dollars are available to spend in '23.

2. The weather was dramatically different between 2022 and 2023. This year, markets saw constant storms that sometimes resulted in early closures or even cancellations, which are normally very rare. The storms also impact the timing and availability of California-grown produce.


#marketmatch #FarmtoFork #FarmToEveryFork #wearefarmtofork #visitsacramento #leafsb907 #myjobdependsonag #caleg #cabudget

Last updated 1 year ago

Thank you to Asm. Isaac Bryan and Sen. Angelique Ashby for making funding for a budget priority! SB907 was signed into law last year but it remains to be funded for implementation and these champions will help bring high-quality / EBT access to every California certified farmers' market! Thank you for working on behalf of food-insecure Californians and California's small farms to create Local Equitable Access to Food!

#leafsb907 #CalFresh #caleg #cabudget

Last updated 1 year ago