Ireland joined the #LeagueOfNations #OTD 1923.
Letter from Desmond FitzGerald to Mabel FitzGerald describing life at the #LeagueOfNations in 1926. The letter is transcribed and available to read online @DIFP_RIA.
Ireland joined the #LeagueOfNations #OTD 1923.
Letter from Eric Drummond, Secretary-General, to W.T. Cosgrave, President of the Executive Council, informing him that at its session on 10 September 1923, the Irish Free State was unanimously admitted to the League.
As much as I love that to see, the only way the #UN would get fixed if it was #replaced like it once replaced the #LeagueOfNations.
#leagueofnations #replaced #un
Na segunda-feira, dia 5, temos encontro marcado, em Évora, para o seminário internacional "A Cooperação Intelectual e Científica Entre-Guerrass".
Da Revista Hispano-Lusitana à Junta de Educação Nacional, da Junta para Ampliación de Estudios à Organização de Cooperação Intelectual da Sociedade das Nações, será um dia dedicado à partilha de conhecimento sobre a ciência ibérica entre-guerras.🇵🇹🇪🇸
#histodons #SciHist #HistoryOfScience #LeagueOfNations #Portugal #Spain
#histodons #scihist #historyofscience #leagueofnations #portugal #spain
No dia 5 de Junho, vamos acolher, na Universidade de Évora, o primeiro seminário internacional anual organizado em cooperação com a Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, subordinado ao tema "A Cooperação Intelectual e Científica Entre-Guerras: Problemas Transnacionais em Perspectivas Cruzadas".
#histodons #SciHist #HistoryOfScience #Diplomacy #LeagueOfNations #SociedadeDasNações #HistóriaDaCiência
#histodons #scihist #historyofscience #diplomacy #leagueofnations #sociedadedasnacoes #historiadaciencia
_The Evening Post_, 4 May 1923:
… we have deemed it wise in the past to combine advocacy of the League of Nations with a warning against great expectations from an institution as yet in infancy.… It seeks … to rid the world of war and tumult, so that each nation may have peace within its borders and freedom for full national cultural development.
#OnThisDay #OTD #NewZealand #PapersPast #LeagueOfNations #Peace
#onthisday #otd #newzealand #paperspast #leagueofnations #peace
@saint_rebel_ukraine_ #UN being powerless and dysfunctional isn't an accident, but by design.
Otherwise it would not have #VetoPowers and be more like the #LeagueOfNations...
#leagueofnations #Vetopowers #un
On this day in 1920, both the #TreatyOfVersailles and the Covenant of the #LeagueOfNations took effect.
Thereby solving war.
#treatyofversailles #leagueofnations
RT @UNOGLibrary
#DYK that although the notion has evolved over the years the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism signed under the auspices of the #LeagueofNations in 1937 is considered a significant attempt to define terrorism as an int'l crime?
On this date in #1939, the #ussr was expelled from the #leagueofnations due to its invasion of #Finland on 30 November of that year. Although the war did not go well for the #soviets at first, they ultimately prevailed in securing their territorial demands. The more things change… #history #europe #worldwar2
#ussr #leagueofnations #finland #soviets #history #europe #worldwar2
The inaugural session of the Permanent Forum of People of #AfricanDescent which opened yesterday at the #PalaisdesNations is an occasion to remind Louis-Dante Bellegarde's words, 1st delegate of African Descent who took the floor at the Assembly of the #LeagueofNations
#AfricanDescent #palaisdesnations #leagueofnations #pfpad
"A time will come when the #LeagueofNations will have to deal with racial questions, when it will have to eradicate differences between races which manifest themselves in unfair treatment inflicted on certain races, & constitute a menace to the peace of the world." (1921)
Yesterday I attended a #conference about the #LeagueofNations in Prague. Organised by the Institute of History (Czech Academy of Sciences), Institute of World History (Charles University), Institute of East European History (University of Vienna), National Archives (CZ), & with the support of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Going to post a few notes here!