#leakeddocuments #MarjorieTraitorGreene called Pentagon documents leaker, Teixeira “white, male, christian, and antiwar” and asked who is “the real enemy” in an April 13 tweet. After #GOPtraitors backlash she changed her stance slightly in a Monday appearance on seditionist #FascistSteveBannon podcast, saying the leaker has “got to face some penalties for what he’s done — I’m not saying he shouldn’t
#leakeddocuments #marjorietraitorgreene #goptraitors #fasciststevebannon
RT @Antiwarcom
Leaks Reveal Reality Behind US Propaganda in Ukraine
by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies
@medeabenjamin @NicolasJSDavies #Ukraine #leakeddocuments #NATO #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Propaganda
#ukraine #leakeddocuments #nato #russia #UkraineRussiaWar #russiaukrainewar #propaganda
RT @Antiwarcom
Mainstream Media Turn Coats on ‘National Security’ Leaks
by Thomas Knapp
@thomaslknapp #leakeddocuments #Discordleaks #JackTeixeira #secrets
#leakeddocuments #discordleaks #jackteixeira #secrets
Social-Media Account Overseen by Former #Navy Noncommissioned Officer Helped Spread Secrets. An American administrator of the #DonbasGirl blogger network uses a #proRussian persona across online platforms #socialmedia #lies #intelligence #leakeddocuments #ProKremlin #chatrooms
#navy #donbasgirl #prorussian #socialmedia #lies #intelligence #leakeddocuments #prokremlin #chatrooms
How is it possible to not be alowed to drink beer but having access to highly confidental/classified military documents? 🙉
Both, Biden&Trump are not exactly good examples of careful document handling.
Very strange that this leak drownes out all talk about the Trump trial.I mean Trump the fixstar of all media for years is at court.
And then this boy is urged to proof his claims on Discord and starts that crisis.
Was he just a social engineered target to do it?
"Miscommunication Nearly Led to Russian Jet Shooting Down British Spy Plane, U.S. Officials Say
A Russian fighter jet fired a missile at a manned British surveillance aircraft flying over the Black Sea in September but the munition malfunctioned, according to U.S. defense officials and a recently leaked classified U.S. intelligence report. The incident was far more serious than originally portrayed and could have amounted to an act of war.
According to two U.S. defense officials, the Russian pilot had misinterpreted what a radar operator on the ground was saying to him and thought he had permission to fire. The pilot, who had locked on the British aircraft, fired, but the missile did not launch properly."
Thank goodness for Russian tech reliability.
#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #Russia #RussiaIsATerroristState #LeakedDocuments #ClassifiedDocuments
#ukraine #StandWithUkraine #russia #russiaisaterroriststate #leakeddocuments #classifieddocuments
#FBI arrests #Massachusetts airman #JackTeixeira in #leakeddocuments probe
#fbi #massachusetts #jackteixeira #leakeddocuments
Man really was just fishing for clout and decided to share his Monday meeting deck :ohgno: :oh_no_bubble:
#discordleaks #ukraine #leakeddocuments
Leaked Documents Gamer.
I can't get past this.
Explain to me what high level job this little shit was doing that he earned access to the highest levels of security clearance.
He jeopardized the lives of ACTUAL heroes and exposed the highest of #NationalSecurity secrets.
He has put this ENTIRE country at risk. All of us.
#Discord #TopSecret #LeakedDocuments #MSNBC #WashingtonPost #Military #USPolitics #USMilitary #SecDefAustin
Article is gifted.
#nationalsecurity #discord #topsecret #leakeddocuments #msnbc #washingtonpost #military #uspolitics #usmilitary #secdefaustin
So the Pentagon leaker of highly controlled, dangerous National Security documents is...wait for it...
A young, racist, gun enthusiast.
He has put all of Ukraine at risk, as well as the entire US, and the rest of the free world.
These people are DANGEROUS.
To all of us.
And they don't belong anywhere near intelligence or #NationalSecurity.
#Discord #OG
#HomelandSecurity #LeakedDocuments #leaked #Pentagon #DOJ #CIA #TopSecret #BanAssaultWeapons
#nationalsecurity #discord #og #homelandsecurity #leakeddocuments #leaked #pentagon #doj #cia #topsecret #banassaultweapons
RT @Antiwarcom
Daniel Ellsberg’s First Leak Helped Prevent War With China
by Ray McGovern
@raymcgovern @DanielEllsberg #PentagonPapers #leakeddocuments #China #VietnamWar #Vietnam
#pentagonpapers #leakeddocuments #china #vietnamwar #vietnam
Leaked Intel Reveals Russian Outreach to UAE #leakeddocuments #Russia #UnitedArabEmirates #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Pentagon #DOJ #PentagonLeak #politicaliq #news #politics
#leakeddocuments #russia #unitedarabemirates #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #pentagon #doj #pentagonleak #politicaliq #News #politics
The #DOD leaked documents... "crumpled up prints... as if from a pocket... photographed"
It's obvious! Its the fat, orange crook!
Secrets stolen online
Revealing US espionage
Uneasy officials
#pentagon #leakeddocuments #usintelligence #espionage #haiku #poetry
#pentagon #leakeddocuments #USIntelligence #espionage #haiku #poetry
Feds Seek Source of Leaked Pentagon Documents About #UkraineRussiaWar #leakeddocuments #Ukraine #Russia #DefenseDepartment #DOJ #politicaliq #news #politics
#UkraineRussiaWar #leakeddocuments #ukraine #russia #defensedepartment #doj #politicaliq #News #politics
US: Search on for source of highly classified intel leak
#UnitedStates #leakeddocuments #Pentagon #Ukrainewar #Russia
#russia #UkraineWar #pentagon #leakeddocuments #unitedstates
@toxtethogrady I never completely believe any article on intel...we do not know what we do not know, until we do [often by accident].#camo #balllons #LeakedDocuments #NoSecurity
#camo #balllons #leakeddocuments #nosecurity
Secret trove offers rare look into Russian cyberwar ambitions Big big big story…the link has no paywall… #russia #cyberwar #leakeddocuments #socialmedia
#Russia #cyberwar #leakeddocuments #socialmedia
@useronline1 Ich meinte das in der von dir verlinkten Presseerklärung zitierte internene Arbeitspapier des Landesamts für Personalangelegenheiten (LAFP).
Laut t-online lautet dessen Titel wohl
"Polizei NRW – Professionelle Einsatzbewältigung/LAFP NRW". Wurde das geleakt? Offenbar lag es der Rheinischen Post damals vor. Vor allem dass bedauert wird, dass gegenwärtig Polizeibeamt*innen " durchgehend gewatfrei erzogene Abiturienten ohne jegliche Gewalterfahrung" seien finde ich verstörend und absolut problematisch. Das ist doch Unsinn. Als ob du als Gymnasiast nie körperliche Gewalt (ich denke es geht hierum) erfahren würdest. Körperliche Gewalt unter Heranwachsenden ist leider allgegenwärtig. Jede und jeder kann da seine unschönen Erlebnisse erzählen, auch, oh Wunder, Gymnasiasten, auch ich. Was will man dann? Offensichtlich abgestumpftere Leute. Na gute Nacht.
#polizei #leakeddocuments #nrw #polizeigewalt
Leaked NHS Docs Reveal Roadmap, Concerns Around Contact-Tracing App - Future features include plenty of self-reporting options, and officials' fears the data could be m... more: #nationalhealthservice #leakeddocuments #privacyconcerns #mobilesecurity #contacttracing #surveillance #coronavirus #government #mobileapp #covid-19 #privacy #nhs
#nhs #privacy #covid #mobileapp #government #coronavirus #surveillance #contacttracing #mobilesecurity #privacyconcerns #leakeddocuments #nationalhealthservice