Jonn · @jonn
227 followers · 3377 posts · Server

It feels so weird to program in languages that compile modules not top-down as does.

On one hand, it's really cool that I can now put the most important functions up top; on the other hand, it defies logic!


Last updated 2 years ago

Ari/gamedev · @ahribellah
139 followers · 307 posts · Server

I'm surprised that Lean 4 isn't getting more attention. It's a...

  • dependently-typed general purpose language...
    • with a syntax that instantly feels more familiar than Haskell/Agda/Idris, more readable than ATS, and nicer to write than Coq
    • that supports some amount of interactive development
    • that I think is reference counted? There's a paper called "Counting Immutable Beans" that seems to indicate that it is, but I haven't read it
    • that compiles to native binaries
    • that has its own dedicated build system that uses makefiles written in Lean
    • that interfaces with external C code
    • and still has facilities for theorem proving

Seems like an interesting system for people who want to make use of .

#functionalprogramming #dependenttypes #lean4

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonn · @jonn
214 followers · 3257 posts · Server

So uhh...

Today's is the first known to me runtime in complete for a tiny subset of .

I'm going to keep going deep before refactoring and supporting the entire bredth of the standard.

When people tell you that is a simple VM they don't lie. The problem is that it's still a pretty big VM with a lot of features. Implementing it is approximately as easy or as hard as implementing a C99 compiler.

I mean, it's sort of easier, but maybe twice as easy. Not by an order of magnitude.

That's why I strongly suggest the following path for implementers:

1. Read the whole spec and try to understand it. Read some blog posts, play with wasmer like it's shown in some example repositories[1].
2. Implement a parser into Exprs. Ignore .
3. Implement a thing that instantiates and runs Exprs.

After you experimented with your runtime enough, you'll be able to easily extend it with binary capabilities. I made a mistake of supporting emitting binary format before writing the runtime and while it was a nice, fun and necessary experience that allowed me to learn way more about wasm binary encoding, it didn't inform the architecture for the runtime and by the time I started runtime, deadlines were tighter than I'd like them to be, so my architecture is garbage.

But runtime architecture is the most important architectural decision you'll be making while implementing runtime, so don't repeat my mistakes and work on it first.

After you're happy with all the important bits, write binary serealisation / desearialisation with an assistance of hexdumps of the files you made in (1).


#wat #wast #wasm #lean4 #webassembly #projects

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonn · @jonn
150 followers · 2930 posts · Server

What an evening to parse some with , a dependently-typed language.

#lean4 #webassembly

Last updated 2 years ago