Ars Technica: Body mass index gets smack down: AMA calls out harms and “racist exclusion” #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #cardiovasculardisease #bodymass #diabetes #leanmass #Science #obesity #Health #racist #weight #ama #BMI #fat
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #cardiovasculardisease #bodymass #diabetes #leanmass #science #obesity #health #racist #weight #ama #BMI #fat
Body mass index gets smack down: AMA calls out harms and “racist exclusion” - Enlarge (credit: Getty | Thierry Monasse)
Body mass index has ... - #cardiovasculardisease #bodymass #diabetes #leanmass #science #obesity #health #racist #weight #ama #bmi #fat
#fat #bmi #ama #weight #racist #health #obesity #science #leanmass #diabetes #bodymass #cardiovasculardisease
I'm down 15lbs of fat, up 4lbs of lean mass, for a total of 11lbs body weight down. That's a 4% BMI change putting me in the normal/average range finally. Hopefully I can get this body dismorphia under control a bit. I don't think I'm rotundus by any means, but I just hate my reflection though it is starting to change. #gym #bodyimage #weightloss #leanmass #respectthegains
#gym #bodyimage #weightloss #leanmass #respectthegains