Die ersten 2 Teile der neuen, 10-teiligen Videoreihe "Lean-Transformation mit @nielspflaeging" sind soeben online gegangen! Diese Serie wurde von #LeanKnowledgeBase aufwendig produziert. Sie ist NUR bei #LeanBase verfügbar. Eins können wir schon sagen: Die Sache lohnt sich: Kompakte, inhaltlich dichte, praktisch-theoretische Impulsvideos mit Niels ohne Blabla, die zum Handeln einladen! Hier kannst du die beiden ersten Teile schauen - die folgenden 8 Episoden folgen in den nächsten Tagen, nach und nach:
#lean #leanmanagement Ralf Volkmer Angela Fuhr Stefan Röcker #betacodex #transformation #leantransformation #agile #agiletransformation #organisationsphysik #timeboxechange #openspacebeta #zellstrukturdesign
#leanknowledgebase #leanbase #Lean #leanmanagement #betacodex #transformation #leantransformation #agile #agiletransformation #organisationsphysik #timeboxechange #openspacebeta #zellstrukturdesign
Transformation means "overcoming", not "optimizing."
Transformation that deserved the name cannot and will not happen if you do not remove, eliminate and overcome things, methods, patterns, beliefs and words that are connected with the previous state of the system.
I hope you will acknowledge that, looking at #agile and #lean this way, it is clear that 100% of "agile transformations" and "lean transformations" so far failed to achieve anything worth the name.
Maybe you will even acknowledge that 96% of agile tools, methods, techniques, frameworks and approaches are utterly inapt at supporting transformation.
#agiletransformation #change #leantransformation #changemanagement #orgdev #betacodex #openspacebeta #vfot #timeboxedchange
#agile #Lean #agiletransformation #change #leantransformation #changemanagement #orgdev #betacodex #openspacebeta #vfot #timeboxedchange
Here @nielspflaeging contrasts #AgileScaling, the so-called #SpotifyModel and #orgdesign approaches with #BetaCodex and decentralization! (Highlight from the #5YearsOfOpenSpaceBeta anniversary event)
#cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #agile #agiletransformation #safe #unfix #less #sas #MatrixStructures #holacracy #sociocracy #betacodex #lean #leantransformation #transformation #orgphysics
#agilescaling #spotifymodel #orgdesign #betacodex #5yearsofopenspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #agile #agiletransformation #safe #unfix #less #sas #matrixstructures #holacracy #sociocracy #Lean #leantransformation #transformation #OrgPhysics
It's 2 hours and 11 minutes of fun, insight and rich storytelling about organizational change & transformation. Not to miss!
#betacodex #5yearsofopenspacebeta #openspacebeta #transformation #culturechange #orgdev #organizationaldevelpment #agile #lean #agiletransformation #leantransformation #openspaceagility #safe #beyondbudgeting #leadership #deming #drucker
#betacodex #5yearsofopenspacebeta #openspacebeta #transformation #culturechange #orgdev #organizationaldevelpment #agile #Lean #agiletransformation #leantransformation #openspaceagility #safe #beyondbudgeting #leadership #deming #drucker