#Leapfrogging è un termine che indica il salto reso possibile da una partenza ritardata verso lo sviluppo. Come quello che si è verificato, e potrebbe continuare a verificarsi, in India, e che potrebbe avere un ruolo decisivo nella transizione energetica del Paese.
L'opinione di Stefano Nespor -> https://www.scienzainrete.it/articolo/sguardo-sullindia-leapfrogging-salver%C3%A0-mondo/stefano-nespor/2023-06-30
#ClimateDiary this weekend i’ve been very absorbed by #Nigeria’s elections #NigeriaDecides2023 (i’ve lived and researched in 🇳🇬 and really love it). These days every election is a #ClimateElection. #PeterObi’s #Labour party would not only bring much needed hope and betterment for Nigeria’s 86 million in extreme poverty; it is also committed to #leapfrogging straight to #4IR (ind rev), the UN #SDGs #SolarEnergy and a “Green Army”. I really hope he wins
#ClimateDiary #nigeria #nigeriadecides2023 #climateelection #peterobi #labour #leapfrogging #4ir #sdgs #solarenergy
The Reason #Renewables Can't Power Modern Civilization Is Because They Were Never Meant To https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2019/05/06/the-reason-renewables-cant-power-modern-civilization-is-because-they-were-never-meant-to/ #kenya #germany #leapfrogging
#renewables #kenya #germany #leapfrogging
Yemen is a good example how #SolarEnergy can provide critical energy services to people affected by conflict.
As the grid is appallingly insufficient, half of #Yemen's population relies on the sun as main source of energy, effectively skipping centralised energy supply and #leapfrogging directly to distributed energy.
For those who are connected to grid, this new Masdar 120 MW solar plant will improve supply.
#solarenergy #yemen #leapfrogging
Barefoot Engineers: rural women from Malawi, trained as solar engineers, electrifying their remote villages https://boingboing.net/2019/02/12/gender-power-climate.html #malawi #electricity #leapfrogging #renewables #poverty #equalOpportunities
#malawi #electricity #leapfrogging #renewables #poverty #equalopportunities
" #Blockchain and #crypto are often considered as #leapfrogging solutions for the #African continent so it is important for Kabakoo Adacemies to train #YoungAfricans and open much-needed debates about the economic, social and environmental issues related to these #technologies " says Leïla Keita from Kabakoo Academies in our joint interview with Mathis Gontier Delaunay & Matthias Vallet from KRYPTOSPHERE about #ImpactInvesting #EdTech #DeFi & #NFT 👇
#nft #DeFi #edtech #impactinvesting #technologies #YoungAfricans #african #leapfrogging #crypto #blockchain
RT @Prof_Kollmann@twitter.com
Neue Kolumne von @Prof_Kollmann@twitter.com beim @manager_magazin@twitter.com: Wir werden #Amazon, #Google & Co. nicht einholen können. Wir werden sie überspringen müssen. Ja, das geht - mit Hilfe eines #Digital #Leapfrogging. #Digitalisierung
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Prof_Kollmann/status/1149311372171386880
#amazon #google #digital #leapfrogging #digitalisierung