Klassen sind in #Python ein Werkzeug, um Daten und Funktionalität zu organisieren und wiederverwendbar zu machen. Eine Klasse definiert die Eigenschaften und Verhaltensweisen einer bestimmten Art von Objekten. Methoden sind Funktionen, die innerhalb einer Klasse definiert werden und auf die Daten, die von der Klasse verwaltet werden, zugreifen können. Jede Instanz der Klasse, die erstellt wird, hat Zugriff auf die Methoden der Klasse.
#python #learningpython #learndigital #digitalunlocked
A dictionary in Python is neat,
A collection of key-value treat,
Lookup is fast, and storage unique,
It's a data type that can't be beat.
#LearningPython #LearnDigital #DigitalUnlocked
Video on “What is a dictionary” via #Coursera @google Crash Course > https://www.coursera.org/lecture/python-crash-course/what-is-a-dictionary-AsGUr
#learningpython #learndigital #digitalunlocked #coursera
Define: A while loop is a control flow structure that continuously executes a block of code while a certain condition is true. The code block within the while loop will keep executing as long as the evaluation statement is true, and once it is no longer true the loop will exit and the next line of code will be executed.
#LearningPython #LearnDigital #DigitalUnlocked
Thanks to #DALLE2 for the pic 🙏
#learningpython #learndigital #digitalunlocked #dalle2
Conditional Cheat Sheet for Python Coding Beginners :awesomeface:
Thanks @google 👏
#learningpython #learndigital #digitalunlocked
The Function Poem 👇
We can define functions with the "def" key
We give it a name, parameters in parentheses you see
These are called arguments, that we can pass with ease
We follow with a colon, then indent to begin the function's keys
#LearningPython #LearnDigital #DigitalUnlocked
Thanks to #ChatGPT for the Poem & Picture by #DALLE2
#learningpython #learndigital #digitalunlocked #chatgpt #dalle2
#LearningPython 👉 3 Definitions 👇
Variables: Variables are name that we give to certain values in our programs - Easier: Variables are containers for data
Assignment: The process of storing a value inside a variable
Expression: A combination of numbers, symbols, or other variables that produce a result when evaluated
#LearnDigital #DigitalUnlocked
Picture by #DALLE2 😉
#learningpython #learndigital #digitalunlocked #dalle2
Just finished week 1 of @google‘s Crash Course on #Python. Worth to remember: „Functions and keywords are the building blocks of a language‘s syntax.“
Here are some reserved #keywords of Python 👇
#LearningPython #LearnDigital #DigitalUnlocked
#python #keywords #learningpython #learndigital #digitalunlocked
Today I started a 6 week crash Course on #python on #Coursera. Some initial definitions: - Syntax: The rules for how each instruction is written - Semantics: The effect that instructions have - Script: A program that is short, simple, and can be written very quickly #LearningPython #LearnDigital #DigitalUnlocked
#python #coursera #learningpython #learndigital #digitalunlocked
Today I started a 6 week crash Coursera on Python on #Coursera. Some initial definitions:
- Syntax: The rules for how each instruction is written
- Semantics: The effect that instructions have
- Script: A program that is short, simple, and can be written very quickly
#coursera #learningpython #learndigital #digitalunlocked