Mwinyele · @moringaottawa
24 followers · 53 posts · Server

Evolutionary : “Race is a social cultural construct. It has no bearings in science”

# #1923 #1883 #6666

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Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2152 followers · 14946 posts · Server

By "good at reading" I don't mean good at the mechanics of reading. You don't have to be good at extracting words from the page so much as extracting meaning from the words.

-- Paul Graham

The first lesson is that reading is not simply parsing glyhphs and assembling words. It's contextualising that information, assimilating it, analysing and synthesizing it. Strong shades of Mortimer Adler's How to Read a Book

It also brings to mind a recent Ezra Klein podcast episode with Maryanne Wolf, on the neurophysiology of reading:

If you think about language, that is a natural process. There’s a genetic program in which it unfolds. There’s nothing like that for reading. We were never meant to read. But what is amazing is that the brain does have this almost semi-miraculous capacity to make new circuits within itself using the processes that are genetically there but in new ways. So what the brain has is the capacity to make novel circuits. And the invention, the human invention of reading, required a new circuit. So the brain very gradually learned how to connect parts that were there for other reasons and made a new circuit that became the first underlying network for reading very simple symbols 6,000 years ago.


TL;DR: we've only been reading for 6,000 years, far too short for dedicated neurological hardware to evolve --- our brains are doing this in software as a learned behaviour.

Language: you're born with the innate capacity to do this, with dedicated neurological regions, speech hardware (the larynx, tongue, and other physiology), and possibly some hearing adaptations.

Reading? You've got to teach children how to do that, starting with alphabets, phonetics, meaning, and all the stuff we layer over atomic symbols: simile and metaphor, idioms, cultural touchstones, and all that jazz. And we do really well at that, at least at basic levels --- upwards of 95% of adults have basic literacy in most countries.

Though if you look more deeply into actual skills, it turns out that literacy levels vary tremendously across the population, in ways which are not nearly as evident in, say, spoken language. See: "Adult Literacy in the United States" (HN discussion:

And to hammer a point: it's not that the US is markedly worse at literacy than most advanced countries, but that it measures precise levels in detail.

#reading #neurophysiology #PsychologyOfReading #literacy #evolution #learnedbehaviour #doingitinsoftware

Last updated 2 years ago